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Move Ins
I made this list so you can look at it to find the requirements for the
characters to move in the town.

Most of the people will move in during the summer, not first spring.

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STORE....Hearty <3 Shop
SPECIAL..Lyla will NOT send you a letter when she opens her store. So you
have to travel west of Flower Bud Square often to see if Lyla has move in! 
Many people have been trying to get Lyla without realizing she's there all 
along. How rude of her for not letting you know.

--> Attend Flower Festival
--> Ship Moondrop Flowers, Pinkcat Flowers, Blue Mist Flowers, Very Berries,
    Blueberries, Yarns, Brooches, Rings and/or Good Clays.

(It seems that the items Lyla is selling, are items she needs to open her
 Hearty Shop.)

--> 30 Moondrop Flowers, 9 Very Berries, 10 Good Clays.
--> With above, Lyla moved in Summer 2.

It doesn't matter which items you need to ship, just long as you ship when
you see a item listed in the requirements. All items adds up in the value
total, so when the value total meets the requirement... Lyla will come.
Just keep shipping the items.

It seems that you have to ship 10 good clays so the vases can show up in 
Hearty shop.

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Tai & Tim
SPECIAL..They will inform you that they're opening the store, so just check
your mailbox. 

--> Junk Ores, Copper Ores, Silver Ores, Gold Ores, Rare Ores, Moonstones
    (Other gems can be counted, but they're hard to find.)

--> 1 Junk Ore, 1 Copper Ore, 1 Silver Ore, 8 Gold Ore, 1 Rare Ore, 
    and 1 Moonstone.
--> With above, Tai and Tim moved in.

Unlike Lyla, Tim and Tai will not wait until the Summer. They will move in
a day after you meet their requirements. Best way to get them quickly is just
mine like crazy in Moonlight Mine, and ship all ores you have. And they'll
move in.

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Ronald & Dan
SPECIAL..Ronald will inform you with a letter that he's opening his store. 
And it seems that you can't buy any sodas from him in that store. I think he
is selling his sodas in other different stores.

--> Attend Spring Horse Race festival
--> 1 Fruit Tree. (Apple, Orange or Grape Tree) Just plant a tree anywhere.
--> Ship the Very Berries, Blueberries, Apples, Oranges, or Grapes.

It seems if you ship any kind of berries or fruits, he'll open his orchard. 
During the spring, you can keep shipping the very berries and he'll go open
his work.

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Gina & Dia
SPECIAL..You can't buy anything from Sanatorium. It's same as the Clinic.
They'll inform you with a letter, as well.

--> Ship 30 Herbs (It is total of all herbs, so it doesn't matter which)

Wait until the Summer 1 or Summer 2. It is when they'll open their Sanatorium.

Most people seems to believe that you have to get Martha's heart up to one,
in order to get Gina and Dia. But in my case, they moved in regardless of
Martha's heart meter.

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STORE....nothing, she'll move in the Clinic
SPECIAL..She will not inform you or anything. Just check inside the Clinic
to see if she's there. Also, she will make you the biggest rucksack if you
get her hearts up to between two and three.

--> Pass time
--> Talk to Alex few times?

To be honest, I'm not 100% sure about the requirements. It appears that it
may be same as Maria where she'll move in after you visit a festival. 

Martha may move in after you pass some days. A few people believe that you
have to get Alex's heart up to one to get her. That is not true since I didn't
have Alex at one heart and yet Martha moved in.

However, I did talk to Alex few times.

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SPECIAL..The pots he's selling, will show up in Lyla's Hearty Shop, not in
his own place. You will get a letter if he moves in.

--> Ship 1 Good Clay

And wait for tomorrow.

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Duke & Carl & Eve
STORE....Moonlight Cafe
SPECIAL..Will inform you with a letter.

--> Attend Spring Horse Race festival

And Duke will open his cafe at Summer 1. 

EXPANSION: Duke will expand his Cafe a month later, which is on Fall 1.

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Doug & Dog named John
STORE....Perch Inn
SPECIAL..Will inform you with a letter.

--> Attend Spring Horse Race festival

And Doug will open his inn at Summer 1.

EXPANSION: Doug will expand his Inn a month later, which is on Fall 1.

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Carl & Katie
STORE....Calloway Cafe
SPECIAL..Carl is already moved in, but he'll build his cafe later. He'll
inform you as well. 

--> 1 Month after meeting Carl in the Moonlight Cafe for first time.

Enter the Cafe to meet Katie.

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Those people only come to the town to visit, or rent a room in the Perch Inn.

SPECIAL..Come to Sunny Lake when you meet the requirements.

--> Plant 3 Tree saplings

You may want to wait for tomorrow before entering Sunny Lake.

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SPECIAL..He will be seen in the Junk Shop

--> Attend the Fireworks Festival
--> Michael upgrades his Junk Shop (ship lot of rare ores to get him to 
    upgrade his Junk Shop)

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SPECIAL..He'll give you Copper Fishing Rod if your Iron Fishing Rod's
experience bar is at the copper part.

--> Ship 1 fish
--> Go to Sunny Lake to meet him.

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--> Go to Sunny Lake to meet him.

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SPECIAL..She's the weathergirl you see on the TV. She'll be in the town for
summers only.

--> Attend the Beach Festival.

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SPECIAL..He doesn't live in any place, he just wanders around the place.
He will not be available for all year. At first day of the winter, Basil will
come to your house to let you know that he's leaving. When the spring come,
he'll be back.

--> Ship 10 flowers or herbs

After you shipped 10 items, visit Sunny Lake. He'll be there.

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