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General People
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In this section, also applies to the Bachelors, Bachelorettes, and Villagers
section. So read on to find how can you raise the characters' meter and etc.


The Bachelors
There are 20 bachelors in this game. If you're playing as a girl character,
you can woo one of the bachelors you like, and marry him later once you get
his heart high enough, and have all requirements.
Those bachelors are:
Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray. (Jamie)

The Bachelorettes
There are 20 bachelorettes in this game. If you're playing as a boy character,
you can woo one of the bachelorettes you like, and marry her later once you 
get her heart high enough, and have all requirements.
Those bachelorettes are:
Ann, Dia, Ellen, Eve, Gina, Gwen, Katie, Lyla, Nina, and Maria. (Jamie)

The Special Bachelor/ette
There is a unique character in this game. Xyr name is Jamie. If you're playing
as a girl character, Jamie will be boy. But however, if you're playing as a
boy character, Jamie will be a girl. You can also marry Jamie, but by doing 
so, will end the game.

There are several ways to befriend the people, but however there are also
some ways that people will dislike you if you do something.

1. Give the gifts they love (or just like)
    You can use any items you see, such as vegetables, fruits, berries,
    flowers, and just about any items, to use as gifts for people.
     By giving a gift item to the person, you will notice:
      -->Three Hearts hovering above the person's head.
           It means she/he loves your gift.
      -->Green Stitches above the person's head.
           It means she/he likes your gift.
      -->No icon above the person's head.
           It means she/he somewhat likes your gift, but not impressed.

2. Talk to them everyday.
    By talking to them, they'll get very little heart points. So don't 
    expect them to like you more quickly. It'll take a little more than
    month for a character to gain just one heart if you did nothing but talk
    to that person everyday.

3. Attend the Festivals
    During the festival days, some people will be in the festivals. So just
    head to the festival, and speak to the people. They'll gain a bit more
    heart points, than on the non-festival days when you just talk to them.
      (And also, there are some festivals that you can 'date' with your
       future husband/wife, which will cause your spouse to gain the
       hearts more quickly.)

4. Plant the trees on the green property.
    You can plant the tree seedlings on the property that's green. Just click
    Z button to see which land is green. And plant your tree at that place.
    By doing so, you'll notice the happy icon when you plant a tree. It means
    ALL people (I do mean ALL), will like you even more.
     - If you plant a tree, and no icon appears. It means you're in wrong


1. Ignore them
    If you keep ignoring people - (Do not talk to them, do not give them any
    gifts) they'll lose some hearts. But it's not that fast. In fact, it's 
    very extremely slow heart loss. So it might takes you few months for them
    to lose just one heart.

2. Throw the items on the roads
    If you drop a weed, stone, or ANY item right on the road. The sad face
    will appear, and it means ALL people (I do mean ALL) will lose some heart
    points when you do this.

3. Give the hated items to the people
    If you give a present to a person, but he/she got mad at you. It means
    she/he hates that particular item. Most hated items would be weeds, 
    garbage, and failed dishes. By giving a hated item to person, you'll get:
      - Red vein, and white smoke pop up above the character's head.
        It means s/he hates your gift.

4. Hack the people into pieces!
    Well, not literally. But you can use your axe, hammer, or any tool on
    a person, and that person will lose the hearts. And I do mean, they'll
    really lose the hearts fast. So do not use your tools on the people! 
    Unless you really want them to hate you.

Yes, they can. As for all bachelors and bachelorettes, if you get them up to
two and half hearts, they'll come to see you at your main house to give you
a present and Musical Note. 

After that, they'll come back to give you another present if you get them up 
to five hearts.

The villagers will not visit you when you get them up to two and half hearts,
unfortunately. But however, they'll pay you a visit if you get them up to the
FIVE hearts. Most of the villagers will come with a recipe for you.
   - In order to get a recipe, you must to have the proper cooking implement 
     to get the recipe. Such as Mixing Pot, Frying Pan, so on.

Answer is no. In the japanese version, all bachelors and bachelorettes have
their own future spouse which they'll eventually marry. But for some reason,
as Natsume imported the game over here, they left out the rival marriages,
and important love scenes between the rival and spouse.

So in this game, there will be only one scene between two persons of each.
To learn who is your rival, just check the girl or boy you're interested

1. I want to make it clear, so if you see simple "Carrot" in the chart
   of BACHELORS, BACHELORTTES, or VILLAGERS' section. It merely means
   the middle quality carrot. Unless otherwise stated as "HQ Carrot" or
   "PQ Carrot". Same goes for other veggies.

In the BACHELORS, BACHELORETTES, and VILLAGERS sections, you'll see the four
types in their own subsections, and they are:

LOVES: [item]
LIKES: [item]
SO-SO: [item]
HATES: [item]

I think that's rather obvious, but for some of you that don't get above,
I'll explain what they are.

LOVES: (If you give a item to a person, s/he will have the three hearts
        hovering above her/his head. It means s/he really loves your gift.)

LIKES: (If you give a item to a person, s/he will have the green stitch above
        her/his head. It means s/he likes your gift.)

SO-SO: (If you give a item to a person, no icon will appear above her/his head
        it means s/he somewhat likes your gift, but isn't that impressed.)

HATES: (If you give a item to a person, red vein and white smoke will pop up
        above her/his head, it means s/he hates your gift.)

Okay, read on the below sections, and have fun!