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In the game, there are the special festivals where you can participate. It can
be for pure fun, or prizes if you win some contest.

Just so you know, the attending villagers are usually not random. Most people
in the festivals, are ones that have highest friendships with you. So if you
wish to see certain individual in some festival, just befriend her/him, and
s/he will be there. It applies same for other villagers that aren't spouses.

And some festivals will require you shipping a certain item. In order to 
ship some item, just head to Flower Bud Square, and put a item in the blue
shipping bin, next to the sign.

If you see "REQUIRED" in the festival lists, it means you have to ship the
required item listed, in the blue shipping bin (located in Flower Bud Square)

                             SPRING FESTIVALS

WHEN:     Spring 01
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Spring Footsteps Note"

WHAT:     It's about the villagers making their resoultions for this year.

| EGG FESTIVAL       \________
WHEN:     Spring 08
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
REQUIRED: Egg (only after first year)
M. NOTE:  "Egg Dish Note"
SPECIAL:  You will meet Carl who tells you about Egg Festival some days
          before the actual Festival. You'll also meet Gourmet during festival
          During first Spring, you needn't ship any Egg. Jamie will do it
          himslef so the Egg Festival can be held in the first year. Just
          do worry about shipping the egg, only in second year and after.

WHAT:     This festival celebrates the good eggs, and culture about eggs.
          However, I believe this festival is not well-known as other 
          different festivals. It is because of that Egg Festival is only
          one festival that is not listed in the in-game books.

| SPRING HORSE RACE  \________
WHEN:     Spring 17
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Horse Race Note" (only if you win a horse race)
SPECIAL:  You will meet several new characters that will move in after
          a while, or you ship the required items for those characters.
          The people are: Dan, Doug, Duke, Ronald and Gwen.

WHAT:     It is the half-year horse race where you can enter your horse to
          race in the race, and win the prize. The prizes are different each
          rank of race. After you won that prize, then a year later, the prize
          will be different. There are four ranks of the races.

          You have a chance of winning the special Power Berry if your horse's
          heart meter is at 6 or 7 hearts. When your horse win a race, you'll
          be awarded with the Power Berry.

          But if you do not have a horse, you can't participate in the race.
          However, you can talk to the villagers that's attending the race.

Once you win the race, you'll be awarded with the first prize. And if you win
same race again, in next year, you'll be awarded with the second prize.
      |  THE CUP   |Required Hearts|  1st PRIZE   |  2nd PRIZE   |
      | FIRST CUP  = 0-3 Hearts    = 30 Fodder    | 30 Fodder    |
      | SECOND CUP = 4-5 Hearts    = Coffee Table | 30 Lumbers   |
      | THIRD CUP  = 6-7 Hearts    = Power Berry  | 2000g        |
      | FOURTH CUP = 8-10 Hearts   = Cool TV      | Diamond Ring |

| FLOWER FESTIVAL    \________
WHEN:     Spring 23
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
REQUIRED: Moondrop Flower (or other flowers)
M. NOTE:  "Spring Fragrance Note"
SPECIAL:  You will meet a new face and it is Lyla. After meeting her, and
          shipping the required items for Lyla, she'll open her Hearty Shop.

WHAT:     This festival is about the flowers, obviously. Many flowers 
          decorates the festival, and fill the place with nice scents. But
          of late, the flower festival kept getting cancelled because of many
          people aren't interested so they didn't bring the flowers. So it's
          up to you to bring the festival to this town.

| COW FESTIVAL       \________
WHEN:     Spring 28
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Cow Note" (only if your cow win the contest)
SPECIAL:  No new faces.

WHAT:     You can enter your best cow here, and see if your cow will win
          any prize. Your cow will have to be at more than eight hearts
          so it will win the festival. Once your cow wins, it'll become
          the Champion Cow. The prizes are:
   |120 Fodders -- [Only if you do not have the Makers in your barn.]
   |Cheese Maker - [Only if you do not have the Butter Maker.       ]
   |Butter Maker - [Only if you do not have the Cheese Maker.       ]
(I'm unsure which the Maker you will get first if you do not have two Makers.)

                             SUMMER FESTIVALS

| BEACH FESTIVAL     \________
WHEN:     Summer 03
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Moonlight Beach
M. NOTE:  "Blue Sea, White Clouds" (only if you win a Swimming Contest.)
SPECIAL:  You will meet Nami here, and possibly Louis if you're lucky. He'll
          participate in the Swimming Contest so you can see him at there. But
          chance of him being there is pretty rare.

WHAT:     Come here to get some tan, and have fun. Well, the major point of 
          this festival is Swimming Contest where you can participate to win
          the prize. Swimming Contest is the mini-game, and there are three
          swimmers (four including you) to compete to win.

    =========================== Win the swimming contest to get the prize.
    = 1st PRIZE : Power Berry = You can compete again in next year to win
    =========================== next prize.

                     SWIMMING CONTEST MINI-GAME
The objective of the Swimming Contest, is to touch all four bouys. There are
the challenges in your way, and they are the competing swimmers, currents, 
whirlwinds, and the dolphin.

CURRENTS = The ocean will change the direction, and push you in one direction.
           You can use the current to your advantage, giving you more speed to
           reach the bouy. But sometimes, they'll pop up suddenly or change
           the direction, pushing you in wrong direction. So watch out.

WHIRLWINDS = They'll pop up in one place, and stay there until it disappears.
             Whatever you do, avoid the whirlwinds. If you got too close, it
             will pull you in and hold you for few seconds.

DOLPHIN = It swims around the ocean, and you can hitch a ride. But you can't
          control the direction where a dolphin is going, so you may end up
          going in wrong direction. I suggest that you do not use the dolphin.

HOW TO WIN - Press [A] to swim, but do not smash [A] repeatedly fast as you 
can. You need to hold down [A] until your swimmer finished its one swim, then
press [A] again for you to swim once again. That way, you will swim quickly.

Use the current to move you to the intended target, and try to not bump into
another swimmer. If you do, you'll stop swimming so it slows you down.

If you still lost, you can always reset the game and try again. Repeat this
until you win.

| STAR FESTIVAL      \________
WHEN:     Summer 07
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Boat Sailing" Note
SPECIAL:  It's good way to increase your affection with your love.

WHAT:     A person with highest heart will come to your house and ask if you
          can go with her/him in this festival - If you agree, come to visit 
          the location. After that, both of you will watch your little boat
          sailing away on the river.

          If you said no to your love, she/he will leave. And you can continue
          your day as usual.

| FIREFLY FESTIVAL   \________
WHEN:     Summer 15
TIME:     06:00am - 00:00pm
WHERE:    Moonlight Beach
REQUIRED: Moonstone
M. NOTE:  "Firefly Flower Note"
SPECIAL:  nothing...

WHAT:     This festival is about honor your ancestors by sending the glowing
          flowers to the ocean. They attached the lantern to the firefly 
          flower with moonstone so they would glow brightly. Other than that,
          it's nothing special. Just have a nice chat with all attending 

WHEN:     Summer 25
TIME:     06:00am - 00:00am
WHERE:    Moonlight Beach
M. NOTE:  "Fireworks Note"
SPECIAL:  You will meet Louis here. Afterward, he'll be there for the
          weekends, long as the weather's good.

WHAT:     This festival is about watching the beautiful display of the
          fireworks during the night. Come to the Moonlight Beach, and the
          person of the highest heart, will come to watch with you.
          After the display scene, your friendship with a person that watched
          with you, will be increased. There're no prizes awarded.
        (NOTE: You can watch with a person that has a highest affection for
               you, meaning you can watch with ANY person in the town. It
               can be bachelor, bachelorette, or any villager, even if you're
               a boy, you can still watch with a bachelor, such as Joe.)

| SHEEP FESTIVAL     \________
WHEN:     Summer 29
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Sheep Note" (only if your sheep wins the contest)

WHAT:     Enter your sheep in the contest, so it would be judged by the
          various people. There are some rules in order to participate in
          this contest, and those are:
          1. Your sheep needs to have the wool. Do not shear your sheep.
          2. Your sheep can't be pregnant, or it'll be unable to attend.
          3. TO WIN, your sheep has to be at 8 hearts, or more.

          If you win the contest, you will be awarded with:
         ~ YARN MAKER  - Only if you do not have the Yarn Maker ~
         ~                          OR                          ~
         ~ 120 FODDERS - If you have the Yarn Maker already.    ~

                             AUTUMN FESTIVALS
| MOON FESTIVAL      \________
WHEN:     Autumn 09
TIME:     06:00am - 00:00am
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Moon Viewing Note"
SPECIAL:  A date with your love.

WHAT:     On the day of the festival, your love of highest affection will
          come and ask if you can go out with her/him. If you say yes, head
          down to Flower Bud Square.

          From there, both of you will witness the full moon that is nearest
          at that day, and you share a sweet moment.

| FALL HORSE RACE    \________
WHEN:     Autumn 17
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Horse Race Note" (If you win a race)
SPECIAL:  If you missed the Spring Horse Race, you will meet several new
          characters and they are: Dan, Doug, Duke, Ronald and Gwen. If 
          you didn't miss the Spring Horse Race, nothing new at here.

WHAT:     It is the half-year horse race where you can enter your horse to
          race in the race, and win the prize. The prizes are different each
          rank of race. After you won that prize, then a year later, the prize
          will be different. There are four ranks of the races.

          You have a chance of winning the special Power Berry if your horse's
          heart meter is at 6 or 7 hearts. When your horse win a race, you'll
          be awarded with the Power Berry.

          But if you do not have a horse, you can't participate in the race.
          However, you can talk to the villagers that's attending the race.

Once you win the race, you'll be awarded with the first prize. And if you win
same race again, in next year, you'll be awarded with the second prize.
      |  THE CUP   |Required Hearts|  1st PRIZE   |  2nd PRIZE   |
      | FIRST CUP  = 0-3 Hearts    = 30 Fodder    | 30 Fodder    |
      | SECOND CUP = 4-5 Hearts    = Coffee Table | 30 Lumbers   |
      | THIRD CUP  = 6-7 Hearts    = Power Berry  | 2000g        |
      | FOURTH CUP = 8-10 Hearts   = Cool TV      | Diamond Ring |

| HARVEST FESTIVAL   \________
WHEN:     Autumn 24
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
REQUIRED: Any crops (you can buy a crop from Spring Farm and ship it)
M. NOTE:  "Harvest Note"
SPECIAL:  Gourmet will teach you a new recipe - "Truffle Saute."

WHAT:     This festival is about the celebration of the good harvest.
          All villagers rather here, and share their crops. There is no
          prize to win, unfortunately. So it's just a social visit.

| PUMPKIN FESTIVAL   \________
WHEN:     Autumn 30
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Pumpkin Note"
SPECIAL:  You will get the Power Berry for attending this festival.
          It is for only once, so don't expect to get more power 
          berry at next year.

WHAT:     It's the halloween-themed festival celebration. All people
          gather here to have some fun and celebrate the festival. 
          There is no prize to win, it's just a social gathering.

                             WINTER FESTIVALS
| CHICKEN FESTIVAL   \________
WHEN:     Winter 07
TIME:     06:00am - 06:00pm
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Note" (only if your chicken wins)
SPECIAL:  A prize for winning the contest.

WHAT:     You can enter your chicken in the contest here. Your chicken will be
          judged by the people, and if your chicken is good enough... You will
          win the prize, and your chicken will be ranked as "Champion Chicken"
          In order to win the contest, your chicken has to be at 8 hearts or 

        ~ MAYO MAKER    - Only if you don't have the Mayo Maker. ~
        ~                           OR                           ~
        ~ 120 BIRD FEED - Only if you do have the Mayo Maker.    ~

| THANKSGIVING DAY   \________
WHEN:     Winter 12
TIME:     06:00am - 05:00am (all day)
WHERE:    Anywhere
M. NOTE:  "Popular Note" (if you recieve a cake from five different people)
SPECIAL:  Free cakes! Yay. This festival is not like others. The shops are 
          still open, and people are still around. So it's like the normal

WHAT:     Today is the day where you make your cake with help of your kitchen,
          of course. You can give the cakes to all people you want to raise 
          their affection for you. The cakes are well-liked items during this
          day (even those people that normally despised the cakes, would love
          to get the cake during this day)

          All people (including villagers, bachelors and bachelorettes) will
          give you a cake when you talk to them. Of course, they have to be
          at three hearts or more so they would give you some cakes. You can
          collect the cakes, and give them back to people (or to other people
          you want to give a boost in the affection). They won't be upset with
          you if you used their cake for other person.

          "Thanksgiving used to be a day when you baked cake to thank the head
          of hosehold, but now it's changed to a day where you send cake to
          anybody." - Winter Festival Book

| FIRE FESTIVAL      \________
WHEN:     Winter 19
TIME:     06:00am - 00:00am
WHERE:    Moonlight Beach
REQUIRED: Stake (take a stake from your lumber supply)
M. NOTE:  "Flame Note"
SPECIAL:  A date with your love, somewhat.

WHAT:     To pay the respect for the dead, the villagers build the large 
          bonfire, and talk for a while in the chilly winter. Enter the
          Moonlight Beach, and your love (one with highest affection) will
          be there with Mayor Theodore. 

          Mayor Theodore will abandon you for a while, so you talk with your
          love, and increase the friendship between you two.

| STARRY NIGHT       \________
WHEN:     Winter 24
TIME:     06:00am - 00:00am
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "Starlight Note"
SPECIAL:  Special date.

WHAT:     It is simliar to the Moon Festival, except you guys will watch the
          stars instead of the full moon. A person with highest heart will 
          come to your house, asking you out. Say yes, and head down to the
          Flower Bud Square to meet your love. From there, you will witness 
          the bright stars during the night.
          You and your love will share the very sweet moment.

| YEAR END FESTIVAL  \________
WHEN:     Winter 30
TIME:     06:00am - 05:00am
WHERE:    Flower Bud Square
M. NOTE:  "New Year's Sunrise"
SPECIAL:  Special date

WHAT:     It is to celebrate the rebirth of a new year. Next day is new
          year, so people gather to watch the sunrise. The Harvest Sprites
          will appear at your doorsteps, and asks you which one you want to
          go out with. They will list the three names (ones with highest
          hearts) Pick your love, and share the very sweet moment between
          you two.

          WARNING: The festival will continue until 5:00am, so you better
          take care of your livestock, crops, and all other things that need
          your attention, before attending the festival.