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All information relating to the stores will be included here. The selling
prices of the items, opening/closing times and days. 

| BLUE SKY RANCH                                                    |
| Closed on Thursdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm    |
| Hank, Ellen and Blue lives here.                                  |
| Brush..................800g     | Chicken................600g     |
| Milker.................1,000g   | Sheep..................1,250g   |
| Clipper................800g     | Cow....................1,700g   |
| Bell...................500g     | Horse..................1,600g   |
| Animal Medicine........800g     | Champion Chicken.......1,000g   |
| Cow Miracle Potion.....1,500g   | Champion Sheep.........1,800g   |
| Horse Miracle Potion...1,200g   | Champion Cow...........3,000g   |
| Sheep Miracle Potion...1,000g   | Champion Horse.........50,000g  |
| Good Egg...............120g     |---------------------------------|
| Good Milk..............300g     | OPTION: BUY AN ANIMAL           |
| Good Cheese............380g     |---------------------------------|
| Good Mayonnaise........180g     | Chicken................1,200g   |
| Good Butter............350g     | Lamb...................2,500g   |
|---------------------------------| Foal...................3,200g   |
| OPTION: BUY FEED                | Calf...................3,500g   |
| Fodder.................30g      |
| Chicken Feed...........20g      |

| BLACKSMITH                                                        |
| Closed on Wednesdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm   |
| Tai and Tim lives here.                                           |
| OPTION: Accessory                                                 |
| Silver Ring        | Silver Ore     |     600g |         Two Days |
| Silver Brooch      | Silver Ore     |     500g |         Two Days |
| Gold Ring          | Gold Ore       |     700g |         Two Days |
| Gold Brooch        | Gold Ore       |     650g |         Two Days |
| Aquamarine Ring    | Aquamarine     |     800g |         Two Days |
| Aquamarine Brooch  | Aquamarine     |     750g |         Two Days |
| Amethyst Ring      | Amethyst       |     750g |         Two Days |
| Amethyst Brooch    | Amethyst       |     700g |         Two Days |
| Emerald Ring       | Emerald        |     850g |         Two Days |
| Emerald Brooch     | Emerald        |     800g |         Two Days |
| Sapphire Ring      | Sapphire       |     800g |         Two Days |
| Sapphire Brooch    | Sapphire       |     750g |         Two Days |
| Diamond Ring       | Diamond        |    1000g |         Two Days |
| Diamond Brooch     | Diamond        |    1000g |         Two Days |
| Topaz Ring         | Topaz          |     750g |         Two Days |
| Topaz Brooch       | Topaz          |     750g |         Two Days |
| Ruby Ring          | Ruby           |     850g |         Two Days |
| Ruby Brooch        | Ruby           |     850g |         Two Days |
| Moonstone Ring     | Moonstone      |     550g |         Two Days |
| Moonstone Brooch   | Moonstone      |     500g |         Two Days |
| Coral Ring         | Coral          |     550g |         Two Days |
| Coral Brooch       | Coral          |     500g |         Two Days |

| SPRING FARM                                                       |
| Closed on Mondays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm      |
| Liz and Nina lives here.                                          |
| SPRING SEEDS                    | SUMMER SEEDS                    |
| Cabbage Seed..........40g       | Tomato Seed............50g      |
| Potato Seed...........30g       | Corn Seed..............40g      |
| Turnip Seed...........20g       | Onion Seed.............20g      |
| Strawberry Seed.......          | Cocoa Seed.............50g      |
| Breadfruit Seed.......60g       | Summer Seed Pouch......60g      |
| Spring Seed Pouch.....60g       | Pinkcat Flower.........20g      |
| Moondrop Flower Seed..20g       |---------------------------------|
| Green Herb Seed.......20g       | SPRING/SUMMER/AUTUMN SEEDS      |
| AUTUMN SEEDS                    | Grass Seed.............50g      |
|---------------------------------| Mora Seedling..........300g     |
| Bell Pepper Seed.......40g      | Chestnut Seedling......350g     |
| Carrot Seed............40g      | Orange Seedling........360g     |
| Eggplant Seed..........40g      | Grape Seedling.........370g     |
| Pumpkin Seed...........70g      | Evergreen Seedling.....200g     |
| Spinach Seed...........40g      | Apple Seedling.........380g     |
| Yam Seed...............30g      |----------------------------------
| Autumn Seed Pouch......60g      | All vegetables for sale here is |
| Orange Herb Seed.......20g      | not accurate. The prices change |
|---------------------------------- according to the seasons.       |
| VEGETABLES                        I have yet to list them all.    |
| Potato.................150g/???g/???g/195g                        |
| Breadfruit.............230g/???g/???g/300g                        |
| Corn...................300g/???g/???g/275g                        |
| Onion..................180g/???g/???g/170g                        |
| Cocoa..................315g/???g/???g/290g                        |
| Pumpkin................325g/???g/???g/300g                        |
| Bell Pepper............135g/145g/110g/120g                        |
| Carrot.................205g/???g/???g/190g                        |
| Spinach................240g/???g/???g/220g                        |
All prices listed above is in order of the seasons. 
For instance, Bell Pepper is 135/145/110/120. It goes Spring, Summer, Autumn,
and then Winter. So, Spring is 135g, Summer is 145g, Autumn is 110g, you know.

| WORKSHOP                                                          |
| Closed on Tuesdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm     |
| Woody, Kurt and Joe lives here.                                   |
| House L1..... 4,000g, 40 pieces | 1-4 Flower Bud.........15,000g  |
| House L2..... 7,000g, 80 pieces | 3-1 Flower Bud......... 5,000g  |
| House L3.....15,000g, 120 pieces| 3-2 Flower Bud.........10,000g  |
| House L4.....30,000g, 200 pieces| 3-3 Flower Bud.........15,000g  |
| House L5.....80,000g, 300 pieces| 4-3 Flower Bud.........10,000g  |
| Small Barn... 3,500g, 40 pieces | 1 Flower Bud Riverside.15,000g  |
| Large Barn...13,000g, 80 pieces | 2 Flower Bud Riverside.15,000g  |
| Chicken Coop. 3,000g, 30 pieces | 1 Forest of Fountains..30,000g  |
| Windmill..... 4,000g, 40 pieces | 2 Forest of Fountains..30,000g  |
| Watering Hole   600g, 20 pieces | 1 River Song Heights...10,000g  |
| Well.........   700g, 20 pieces | 3 River Song Heights...15,000g  |
|---------------------------------| 1 Mountain Echo Forest.10,000g  |
| Bed (S)-Polka Dots: 1000g       | 2 Mountain Echo Forest. 7,000g  |
| Bed (S)-Simple: 3500g           | 3 Mountain Echo Forest. 7,000g  |
| Bed (L)-Heart: 3800g            | 1 Woodman's Forest.....10,000g  |
| Bed (L)-Gorgeous: 4000g         | Flower Bud Point....... 7,000g  |
| Bed (L)-Down: 5000g             | 1 Sea Breeze........... 7,000g  |
| Bookshelf-Green: 800g           | 2 Sea Breeze........... 5,000g  |
| Bookshelf-White: 800g           | 4 Sea Breeze...........15,000g  |
| Bookshelf (L)-White: 1000g      |---------------------------------|
| Bookshelf (L)-Wood: 1000g       | Lumber: 50g for each piece.     |
| Library-Chic: 3000g             |---------------------------------|
| Library-Pink: 3000g             | <- NOTE:                        |
| Dressing Table: 3000g           | All items won't be available    |
| Dresser: 2000g                  | at first. You will need to      |
| Polka Dot Table: 600g           | upgrade your house. More items  |
| Simple Table: 600g              | will come available.            |
| Heart Table: 700g               |                                 |
| Round Table-Simple: 1500g       | Higher upgrade your house is    |
| Round Table-Pink: 1500g         | at, more items will be avail-   |
| Round Table-Chic: 1500g         | able.                           |
| Round Table-Modern: 2500g       |                                 |
| Round Table-Gorgeous: 4000g     | In order to get a house upgrade |
| Kitchen (XS)-Pink: 1000g        | you need to befriend Joe, Kurt, |
| Kitchen (S)-Chic: 2000g         | or Woody. Have one of them at   |
| Kitchen (S)-Pink: 2000g         | one heart, and the house        |
| Kitchen (M)-Woody: 3500g        | upgrade is unlocked.            |
| Kitchen (M)-Pink: 3500g         |----------------------------------
| Kitchen (M)-Marble: 4000g       |
| Kitchen (L)-Woody: 4500g        |
| Kitchen (L)-Pink: 4500g         |
| Kitchen (L)-Marble: 5000g       |
| Kitchen (XL)-Woody: 5500g       |
| Kitchen (XL)-Cream: 5500g       |
| Kitchen (XL)-Marble: 5500g      |
| Kitchen (XL)-Pro: 6000g         |
| Chest (S)-Fancy: 600g           |     
| Round Chair: 200g               |
| Chair: 250g                     |
| Rocking Chair: 500g             |
| Log Table: 400g                 |
| Dining Table: 300g              |
| Shelf-Woody: 900g               |
| Shelf-Fancy: 900g               |
| Shelf-Gorgeous: 1000g           |
| Cabinet-Woody: 1500g            |
| Cabinet-Chic: 1500g             |
| Cabinet-Gorgeous: 2000g         |
| Cabinet-Modern: 2000g           |

| JUNK SHOP                                                         |
| Closed on Tuesdays and Holidays / Open during 9:00am - 6:00pm     |
| Michael and Ann lives here.                                       |
| Rattle............600g          | TOOL UPGRADES (4)               |
| Picture Book......500g          | Cooper Tool...2000g             |
| Rucksack..........1000g         | Silver Tool...6000g             |
| Frying Pan........500g          | Gold Tool.....18000g            |
| Pot...............500g          | Goddess Tool..48000g            |
| Oven..............700g          |---------------------------------|
| Mixer.............400g          | (4) - When one of your tools    |
| Old Clock.........1000g         | gains enough experience points  |
| Fridge-Blue.......700g          | *to check if it has enough,     |
| Fridge (L)-Green..1200g         | look at the tools section in    |
| Fridge (L)-Blue...1200g         | the in-game menu.               |
| Fridge (L)-Beige..1200g         | Next upgrade will become avail- |
| Fridge (L)-Pro....4000g         | able in Junk Shop. So Copper    |
| Good TV...........3000g         | Tools mean Cooper Watering Can, |
| Wood Stove........300g          | Cooper Sickle, so on.           |
| Kerosene Stove....700g          |---------------------------------|
| Oil Heater........1100g         | <-- Not all items will be       |
| Sofa (S)..........500g          | available at start of the game. |
| Sofa (L)..........900g          | Upgrade your house, and more    |
| Mayonnaise Maker..3000g         | items will become available.    |
| Yarn Maker........4000g         |---------------------------------|
| Butter Maker......3000g         | Makers will become available    |
| Cheese Maker......5000g         | when you have proper animal.    |
| Log Chair.........200g          | (5)                             |
| Dye Pot...........500g          |                                 |
(5) Mayonnaise Maker will be available if you have the chicken(s).
    Yarn Maker will be available if you have the sheep(s).
    Cheese/Butter Makers will be available if you have the cow(s).

| MOONLIGHT CAFE                                                    |
| Closed on Tuesdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00pm - 5:00am     |
| Duke, and Eve lives here. Carl works here for a while.            |
| Veggie Salad.....300g            | Steamed Clam.....590g          |
| Baked Potato.....320g            | Popcorn..........320g          |
| Pizza............700g            | Orange Juice.....120g          |
| Apple Juice......150g            | Grape Juice......150g          |
| Grape Soda.......600g            | Apple Soda.......620g          |
| Very Berry Soda..480g            |                                |
NOTE: You can't keep the food if you buy from the cafe. You will
eat the food automatically soon as you buy it.
NOTE(2): The food menu sometimes change with season or year. If you
         see something missing, don't worry... It will come back
         later at new season or new year.

| HEARTY <3 GIFT SHOP                                               |
| Closed on Tuesdays and Holidays / Open during 9:00am - 6:00pm     |
| Lyla works here.                                                  |
| Pink Yarn........1500g          | Silver Brooch......1050g        |
| Yellow Yarn......1300g          | Gold Brooch........1600g        |
| Blue Yarn........1800g          | Aquamarine Brooch..1850g        |
| Orange Yarn......1400g          | Amethyst Brooch....1800g        |
| Red Yarn.........1300g          | Silver Ring........1700g        |
| Green Yarn.......1400g          | Gold Ring..........1750g        |
| Purple Yarn......1300g          | Hanging Clock......700g         |
| Strawberry Jam....480g          | Purple Vase........300g         |
| Very Berry Jam....260g          | Slim Vase..........350g         |
| Blueberry Jam.....300g          | #-Green Balm.......???g         |
| Marmalade.........500g          | #-Moon Balm........???g         |
| Apple Jam.........700g          | #-Orange Balm......???g         |
| Yellow Vase.......450g          | #-Pink Balm........???g         |
| Wavy Vase.........730g          | #-Purple Balm......???g         |
| Japanese Vase.....250g          | #-Blue Balm........???g         |
# (All balms won't appear on the sale soon as Lyla's store is opened)
  (The balms will become available, possibly at next year. And not  )
  (all of them will be available. Wait for next season for different)
  (balms. Don't worry about them... You can make the balms yourself.)

| CALLOWAY CAFE                                                     |
| Closed on Tuesdays and Holidays / Open during 9:00am - 6:00pm     |
| Carl and Katie works here.                                        |
| Pancake..........300g           | Hot Milk.........150g           |
| Cocoa............350g           | Herb Tea.........200g           |
| Pudding..........300g           | Cake.............400g           |
| Chestnut Cake....440g           | Cheesecake.......500g           |
| Yam Pie..........300g           | Orange Juice.....120g           |
NOTE: You can't keep the food if you buy from the cafe. You will
eat the food automatically soon as you buy it.
NOTE(2): The food menu sometimes change with season or year. If you
         see something missing, don't worry... It will come back
         later at new season or new year.

| PERCH INN                                                         |
| Closed on the Holidays / Open during 9:00am - 6:00pm              |
| Doug and Gwen works here.                                         |
| Tomato Sandwich......350g       | Seafood Pizza........780g       |
| Sunny-Side Up........220g       | Potato Gratin........680g       |
| Cheese Omelette......600g       | Veggie Juice.........200g       |
| Spicy Fried Veggies..500g       | Grass Juice..........300g       |
| Stew.................600g       | Grape Soda...........600g       |
| Grilled R. Trout.....300g       |                                 |

| ATELIER SAIBARA                                                   |
| Closed on Saturdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm    |
| Saibara lives here.                                               |

| CLINIC                                                            |
| Closed on Wednesdays and Holidays / Open during 6:00am - 6:00pm   |
| Alex and Martha lives here.                                       |

| LIBRARY                                                           |
| Closed on Mondays and Holidays / Open during 9:00am - 6:00pm      |
| Maria works here.                                                 |

| MAYOR's HOUSE                                                     |
| Closed on holidays / Open during 6:00am - 9:00pm                  |
| Theodore and Maria lives here.                                    |

| SANATORIUM                                                        |
| Closed on holidays / Open during 6:00am - 7:00pm                  |
| Gina and Dia are here.                                            |

| PARADISE ORCHARD                                                  |
| Closed on holidays / Open during 9:00am - 9:00pm                  |
| Ronald, Meryl and Dan lives here.                                 |