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There are items scattered all over the land. You can pick those up and ship
them for some money. I'll list them all.

Stones, Weeds and Dry Grasses can't be sold. (Dry Grass is different from the
grass you plant for fodder)

Branch..........10g  | Can be found anywhere near the trees.                 |
Stake...........30g  | Can be found in fences, and as well from your supply. |
Rotten Stake.... 5g  | Leave a stake for a while until it turns rotten.      |
Honey(3)........83g  | Can be found around the mountain.                     |
Coral...........35g  | Can be found around the beach.                        |
Clam............40g  | Use your hoe to till the the beach, near the sea.     |
Toadstool.......60g  | Can be found near the stakes.                         |
Mushroom........50g  | Can be found near the stakes.                         |
Truffle.......1000g  | Can be found in the ground, under Mora Trees.         |
(3) Honeys aren't available during the winter seasons.

Very Berry......45g  | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |
Moondrop Flower.40g  | Can be found around the mountain.                     |
Green Herb......100g | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |
Purple Herb.....75g  | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |

Blueberry.......50g  | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |
Cayenne.........40g  | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |
Pinkcat Flower..150g | Can be found around the mountain.                     |
Red Herb........80g  | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town. |
Orange..........200g | Can be found near the small trees, southeast.         |

Orange Herb....130g | Usually found around the mountain, sometimes in town.  |
Chestnut.......50g  | Can be found near the chestnut trees, near the Spring. |
BlueMistFlower.500g | Can be found around the mountain, but is very rare.    |
The herbs and berries are very common around the mountain, but they sometimes
pop up far from the mountain, anywhere around the town.

A) More Forages
In the first spring, you'll notice there're a lot herbs, very berries, and
other kinds all over the land. But as the season progress, you slip through
the few seasons, and maybe even an year... You'll notice that the forage 
items are becoming more rare. It is because of those sneaky weeds. They'll
pop up all over land, and taking up space. Long as there're many weeds, the
forage items won't be able to pop up in the places that's already filled with

So my advice is when you can, pull up the weeds many as you can and feed them
to the chickens if you want to boost their heart meters. Or you can use your
sickle to cut down many weeds, so you can upgrade your sickle.

B) Clams
The clams are the hidden items, so you can't see it easily as you do with
herbs and other items. It is located in the beach, so pick up your hoe and
head down to the sandy beach. Use your hoe to till the beach, the spot between
beach and water. The clams are usually found there. But even so, you will 
still have some hard times by trying to find just some clams (unless you're
really lucky.)

C) Truffles
The truffles are simliar to the clams. They're hidden in the ground. They
can be found under the Mora Trees.