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You'll need to catch each type of the fishes to obtain the special musical
note. There're more indepth information about the fishes, in another guide.
So be sure to check it out. But for this guide, I'll only list the chart so
you can look at it for quick reference.

There are eleven locations where you can fish.

High River - It is located in the mountain, above the Suspension Bridge.
Upstream River - It is right between the Suspension and Duck Bridge.
Midstream River - It is right between the Duck Bridge and Encounter Bridge.
Downstream River - Right between the Encounter Bridge and Sunset Bridge.
Delta - Under the Sunset Bridge, where the river connects with the ocean.
Beach - Uh, it's right on the beach, south of the map. Pier counts as beach.
Stardrop Pond - A lone pond, northwest of Sunny Lake. It has one fish in it.
Sunny Lake - Head far east, right on the road until the scene blackens out.
Underground Lake - Reach 100 level in Lake Mine, when Sunny Lake freezes.
Island (Northern Water) - Ride on the dolphin to reach the island, and fish
Island (Southern Water) - Ride on the dolphin to reach the island, and fish

**You need to befriend the dolphin first. When it gains one heart, you can
ride it. To befriend it quickly, just greet it, and give it the fishes.

I also added the easy fish recipes in this chart. Under a fish, there are some
recipes where you can make easy with just one or two same type fishes. So you
can look at the recipes to see how can you boost the fish's value by cooking.

| FISH's NAME       |  SELL  | WHERE and WHEN                                |
| Amago             |   100g | High River, Upstream River, Midstream River.  |
| Amago Sashimi     |   110g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer and Autumn.         |
| Caramelized Amago |   290g |                                               |
| Salted Amago      |   110g |                                               |
| Blowfish          |     3g | Beach, Delta, Northern Water.                 |
| Blowfish Sashimi  |   113g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Broiled Blowfish  |   113g |                                               |
| Bonito            |   140g | Island (Southern Water)                       |
| Bonito Sashimi    |   150g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, and Autumn.        |
| Bonito Steak      |   250g |                                               |
| Char              |    90g | High River                                    |
| Char Sashimi      |   100g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer and Autumn.         |
| Salted Char       |   100g |                                               |
| Crawfish          |    10g | Sunny Lake, Midstream/Downstream River        |
| Broiled Crawfish  |    20g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, and Autumn.        |
| Grilled Crawfish  |   120g |                                               |
| Crucian Carp      |    30g | Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond                     |
| Broiled C. Carp   |    40g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
|Caramelized C. Carp|   150g |                                               |
| Chulowfish        |     5g | Beach, Northern Water (rare), Delta (rare)    |
| Chulowfish Sashimi|    15g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Aummer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Broiled Chulowfish|    15g |                                               |
| Cureall           |    30g | Downstream River, Delta                       |
| Salted Cureall    |    60g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer and Autumn.         |
| Dace              |    15g | High River, Upstream/Midstream/Downstream     |
| Salted Dace       |    25g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Flounder          |    45g | Beach, Island (Northern Water)                |
| Flounder Sashimi  |    55g | AVAILABLE: Spring, and Winter.                |
| Stewed Flounder   |   110g |                                               |
| Broiled Flounder  |    55g |                                               |
| Halfbeak          |    35g | Island (Northern Water)                       |
| Halfbeak Sashimi  |    45g | AVAILABLE: Spring, and Winter.                |
| Salted Halfbeak   |    45g |                                               |
| Halibut           |    50g | Beach                                         |
| Halibut Sashimi   |    60g | AVAILABLE: Autumn, and Winter.                |
| Broiled Halibut   |    60g |                                               |
|*Huchen [King]     | 1,000g | Sunny Lake (day after rain)                   |
| Huchen Sashimi    | 1,010g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, and Autumn.        |
|*Jamasquid [KING]  | 1,000g | Underground Lake                              |
| Jamasquid Sashimi | 1,010g | AVAILABLE: Winter.                            |
| Lampsquid         |    60g | Island (Northern Water)                       |
| Lampsquid Sashimi |   170g | AVAILABLE: Midstream, Autumn, and Winter.     |
| Lampsquid Teriyaki|   170g |                                               |
| Lobster           |    90g | Delta                                         |
| Lobster Sashimi   |   100g | AVAILABLE: Autumn, and Winter.                |
| Grilled Lobster   |   200g |                                               |
| Broiled Lobster   |   100g |                                               |
| Mackerel          |    30g | Island (Northern Water, Southern Water)       |
| Miso Mackerel     |   140g | AVAILABLE: Autumn, and Winter.                |
| Broiled Mackerel  |    40g |                                               |
| Maple Flounder    |    60g | Beach                                         |
|M. Flounder Sashimi|    70g | AVAILABLE: Autumn.                            |
|Broiled M. Flounder|    70g |                                               |
| Opaleye           |    60g | Island (Northern Water)                       |
| Opaleye Sashimi   |    70g | AVAILABLE: Summer, Autumn, and Winter.        |
| Broiled Opaleye   |    70g |                                               |
| Rainbow Trout     |    35g | High River, Upstream River, Midstream River   |
| R. Trout Sashimi  |    45g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Salted R. Trout   |    45g |                                               |
| Salmon            |   130g | Downstream River, Delta                       |
| Salmon Sashimi    |   130g | AVAILABLE: Autumn                             |
| Salted Salmon     |   230g |                                               |
| Sardine           |    25g | Island (Northern Water, Southern Water)       |
| Sardine Sashimi   |    35g | AVAILABLE: Autumn                             |
| Anchovy           |    35g |                                               |
| Saury             |    30g | Island (Northern Water, Southern Water)       |
| Saury Sashimi     |    40g | AVAILABLE: Summer, Autumn, and Winter.        |
| Salted Saury      |    40g |                                               |
| Shinapper         |   200g | Island (Northern Water)                       |
| Shinapper Sashimi |   210g | AVAILABLE: Winter                             |
| Broiled Shinapper |   210g |                                               |
| Shrimp            |   100g | Island (Northern Water) - rare                |
| Shrimp Sashimi    |   110g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Grilled Shrimp    |   210g |                                               |
| Broiled Shrimp    |   110g |                                               |
| Silver Carp       |    20g | Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond, Mid/Downstream     |
|Caramelized S. Carp|   130g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. |
| Broiled S. Carp   |    30g |                                               |
| Smelt             |    10g | Sunny Lake, Stardrop Pond                     |
| Caramelized Smelt |   110g | AVAILABLE: Summer, Autumn and Winter.         |
| Salted Smelt      |    20g |                                               |
|*Snadore           |   250g | Island (Northern Water) - rare                |
| Snadore Sashimi   |   260g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Broiled Snadore   |   260g |                                               |
| Snapper           |   150g | Island (Northern Water)                       |
| Snapper Sashimi   |   260g | AVAILABLE: Summer                             |
| Stewed  Snapper   |   210g |                                               |
| Broiled Snapper   |   160g |                                               |
| Squid             |    35g | Beach, Island (Northern Water, Southern Water)|
| Squid Sashimi     |   145g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.|
| Squid Teriyaki    |   145g |                                               |
| Broiled Squid     |    45g |                                               |
|*Squid Prince[KING]| 1,000g | Island (Northern Water, Southern Water)       |
| Nice Squid Sashimi| 1,010g | AVAILABLE: Spring                             |
| Tuna              |   300g | Island (Southern Water)                       |
| Tuna Sashimi      |   410g | AVAILABLE: Summer                             |
| Broiled Tuna      |   310g |                                               |
| Yamame            |    80g | High River (rare), Upstream River             |
| Yamame Sashimi    |    90g | AVAILABLE: Spring, Summer, and Autumn.        |
| Salted Yamame     |    90g |                                               |
| Yellowtail        |   140g | Island (Southern Water)                       |
| Yellowtail Sashimi|   160g | AVAILABLE: Spring, and Winter.                |
|Yellowtail Teriyaki|   300g |                                               |
| Stewed Yellowtail |   210g |                                               |
| Broiled Yellowtail|   160g |                                               |
* 1# = Huchen Fish King
It can be caught only a day after rainy day. I find the best result is fish
northeastern of Sunny Lake. From there, you have extremely good chance of
catching the huchens.

* 2# = Squid Prince Fish King
It can be caught only a day after rainy day, or thypoon day. Unlike the huchen
fishes, however, you don't have extremely good chance of catching it. It's 
more of 25% chance of catching it during the day after rainy day.

* 3# = Snadore Fish
It's same as the squid prince. It can be caught a day after rainy days.

* 4# = Jamasquid Fish King
Once you reach 100th floor in Lake Mine, there'll be only one fish circling
in the underground lake. You can catch the jamasquid on your try... Long as
you do not have another jamasquid in your rucksack. If you do, then you'll
catch nothing but cans if you fish in the underground lake. So be sure to
drop it on the ground. Then fish, and you'll catch the jamasquid.