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There are two locations where you can mine with your hammer or hoe. They are
Moonlight Mine and Lake Mine. You can't reach the Lake Mine, until the winter
season. The Sunny Lake will be frozen so you can walk over to the Lake Mine.

When you see the cracks in the ground, shaped like X, you can stand on the
crack. There are two ways you can head, if the crack breaks. When "!" appears
above your head, and you'll fall down. You will skip some floors, about
1 to 9 floors.

However, if you have "?" above your head... Somehow, you will fall UP. Don't
ask me, I don't know how is it even possible. But you will skip some floors,
can be between 1 and 9 floors.

It's very good way to conserve your stamina since it doesn't take any stamina
to fall through the crack.

If you're on high floors, like 01-50 floors... Chances of you falling down
is pretty good. But however, when you're nearing the bottom floor, chances
of you falling up will be increasing. So soon as you reach 90th floor, it will
be almost impossible to reach 100th level by using the cracks only.

Another option is use your hoe to till the soil, and look for the opening in
the ground. Once you find it, you will go down one floor. But it'll take
your stamina, so I suggest you to be careful, and use the special trick.

- Walk slowly, and look for the flicker of black strip flashing on the ground,
  usually that black flicker is near the stairs. If you see it, use your
  hoe at that black flicker, and you'll find the opening. I find it, if you
  walk up/down pattern, finding the flicker will be easy. Once you get used
  to locating the black flicker, it'll be a breeze for you.

Sometimes when you break the crystals or cavern rocks, the gas will spill and
affect you. It can be bad thing or good thing. They're called the mine gasses.

| NAME         | EFFECTS
 Dark Smoke    | The dark gray smokes will scatter, with red swirls in middle.
                 It'll darken the floor so you can barely see anything.
 Healing Smoke | The pink smokes will scatter, with shiny sparkles in middle.
                 It'll recover some stamina points (only if you are very near)
 Dizzy Smoke   | The purple smokes will scatter.
                 Your directions will be rotated, but you can still get by.
 Freeze Smoke  | The orange smokes will scatter, with yellow bolts in middle.
                 You will be unable to move for a while.
 Agile Smoke   | The yellow smokes will scatter, with yellow bolts stuck on 
                 you. You will be moving more faster.
 Nullify Smoke | The white smokes will scatter, nullifying the effects of
                 other smokes, such as dizzy/dark/agile effects.

                            ~ MOONLIGHT MINE ~
Moonlight Mine is northwest of the map. Go to Jamie's Ranch, and head west,
while hugging Jamie's Ranch's pink fence. You will see the cave, so enter it.
Congratulations, you're in the Moonlight Mine.

When you first enter the mine, there will be an empty floor. If you didn't
bring along your hammer with you, the entrance hole will not appear on the 
floor. So be sure to carry the hammer and hoe with you! 

If you want to find the pontata roots only - do not bring your hammer. Just 
use the hoe to dig up on the first floor. You will find a lot of the pontata
roots. However, if you carry a hammer, chances of finding the pontata roots
will be deceased for some reason.

If you're looking for the good clay, reach the second floor. And use your hoe
on the floor a lot, and you'll find some good clays.

If you break the crystals or cavern rocks, you will find:

Junk Ore....1g
Copper Ore..50g
Silver Ore..100g
Gold Ore....150g
Rare Ore....200g

When you go deeper in the mine, chances of you finding better ores will
be high, such as gold ores, and rare ores. 

Level 02: A lot good clays are here.
Level 22: Some amethysts appears here.
Level 41: Crystals only
Level 44: Several rare Ores appears here. Crystals only.
Level 49: Crystals only.
Level 55: Some amethysts appears here.
Level 66: Some aquamarines appears here.
Level 77: Some diamonds appars here.

Linkshot says:
And the mainstream is Amethyst (34%), Gold Ore (34%), Rare Ore (32%). 
That's all you'll find on those three levels. (41/44/49)
(maybe there's some Moonstone in there)

There are 100 levels in the Moonlight Mine. When you reach 100th level, you 
can till the ground, and you'll find some money. And also, if Tim has moved
in the town, he'll be there to award you a power berry on your first time.

                            ~   LAKE MINE    ~
You can't get to the Lake Mine until winter. During the Winter, Sunny Lake
will be frozen so you can walk over it. Just head for the centre of Sunny Lake
There will be a cave, so enter it. Congratulations, you're in Lake Mine.

The Lake Mine is gem rich, so you will find a lot of gems in here. It is very
good money source during the Winter.

Unlike the Moonlight Mine, there are some floors that contains only type
of the gem, nothing else.

 5th Floor = Moonstones appears here only.
10th Floor = No cracks/cavern rocks/crystals. Till the ground for a opening.
15th Floor = Amethysts appears here only.
20th Floor = Aquamarines appears here only.
25th Floor = Topazs appears here only.
30th Floor = Sapphires appears here only.
35th Floor = Emeralds appears here only.
40th Floor = Rubies appears here only.
45th Floor = Limestomes appears in the crystals, Junk Ores in the cavern rocks
50th Floor = Diamonds appears here only.


 2th Floor, 3th Floor, 4th Floor, [NO 5th], 6th Floor:
Junk Ore, Copper Ore, Silver Ore, Gold Ore, Rare Ore, Moonstone, Amethyst,
and Aquamarine are available in those floors. 

 7th Floor
Topaz, Sapphire and Emerald will appear here, along with other available ores
from above.

 8th Floor and Below
Junk Ore, Copper Ore and Silver Ore will become almost non-existant, so don't
try to hunt for them in 8th floor and below floors.

 12th Floor and Below
Ruby and Diamond will appear here. You can now find all kind of gems, and 
as well Gold Ore and Rare Ores in here, and below floors.

Junk Ore......1G 
Copper Ore....50G 
Silver Ore....100G 
Gold Ore......150G
Rare Ore......200G 
Good Clay.....10G 
Pontata Root..30G 