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Wild Animals
There are some wild animals scattered all over the map. You can try to find them by checking out their usual locations. You can raise your friendship with the wild animals by picking them up. You can also give them some gifts. When a wild animal's heart is high enough, it'll visit you at your home. You will earn the musical note if a wild animal visited you. "HEART" listed in the wild animals, it means when it has certain number of hearts, it'll visit you at the home. But each wild animal have different heart requirement to see you at your home. Cat LOCATION..In the town square, or near to that spot. SEASON....All LIKES.....Fishes HEART.....Unknown Cuckoo LOCATION..Sunny Lake, go south when you first enter SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....None, you can only pick it up. HEART.....Unknown Dolphin LOCATION..At the beach's pier SEASON....All LIKES.....Fishes (not blowfishes, or chulowfishes, sardines) HEART.....1 Heart (let you ride on it) Duck LOCATION..Near the Duck Bridge, and Stardrop Pond. SEASON....Spring, Summer LIKES.....Fishes HEART.....Unknown Frog LOCATION..Town Square (during the rainy days) SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....Unknown HEART.....I don't think the frog can visit you. Monkey LOCATION..Anywhere near the mountain and Sunny Lake SEASON....All LIKES.....Fruits HEART.....Unknown Mole LOCATION..Anywhere around Flower Bud Town SEASON....All LIKES.....None. HEART.....Nothing, you can only whack it with a tool Rabbit LOCATION..Around Flower Bud Town SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....Weeds HEART.....4 Hearts Raccon LOCATION..Sunny Lake SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....Fruits HEART.....Unknown Sparrow LOCATION..Around Flower Bud Town SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....None, you can only pick it up. HEART.....Unknown Squirrel LOCATION..Around Flower Bud Town, usually near midstream river SEASON....Spring, Summer, Autumn LIKES.....Weeds HEART.....Unknown (more than 5 hearts, for sure) Weasel LOCATION..Sunny Lake, around the Mountain SEASON....Winter LIKES.....Unknown HEART.....Unknown It seems that all animals' meters are varied. The animals that will be around longer than other animals, will take more time to increase their heart meters. For instance. it took me longer time to raise the squirrel's heart - (I picked it up and fed it as well, each time I see it, which is a lot of times) But the duck beats the squirrel by a long shot, and yet I only picked the duck up, never fed it the fishes. So it appears that the animals that will be around one or two seasons will get more gains in the hearts, than other animals that's around for three or all seasons.