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At start of the game, you will get a dog from Ellen. You can name it whatever
you like. Its gender is unknown.

The dog has no purpose, really. Unlike most of the Harvest Moon games where
the dog will defend its livestock from the stray dogs, or herd the cattles
back in the barn, or participate in the contest.

But in this game, the dog is ... just a companion. But you will get the 
musical note by increasing your dog's hearts up to three. You can pick it up,
and feed it the vegetables.

You can leave it outside, but soon as you enter other buildings, festivals, 
or other places that take you somewhere else... Most of the times, dog will
head back in the house. So it is no point keeping him outside all time, since
he'll be back in the house after some times.

         ~          ~          ~          ~          ~          ~

In order to get a pig, you have to build a barn. It doesn't matter if it's
small or big barn. After Woody, Kurt and Joe finished building the barn, just
enter the barn and you'll see a pig there.

The pig is simliar to the dog, almost useless. The pig can use its nose to
search for the truffles, but it'll be long and hard to just get it to locate
the truffle. So it'd better for you if you just take your hoe and hit the
ground randomly, near Mora Trees, without the pig's help. It's more better if 
you upgrade your hoe so it can dig up a lot squares.

You will get Oink-Oink musical note if you ship a truffle.