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Unlike in the older games of Harvest Moon, the crops are actually very good. They will give you a lot profits than the animals. So you can make a lot money from your crops - Assuming if you plant/take care of the plants right. TREES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SECTION! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SOIL QUALITY ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you till the ground with your hoe, the ground will reveal its quality. To determine which one is good quality, just check for the color. LIGHT BROWN - Very light brown soil, looks dry. Sort like the desert. This soil is "Poor Quality", or PQ for short. MEDIUM BROWN - Little dark brown, very different from the poor soil. This soil is "Medium Quality", or MQ for short. DARK BROWN - Dark brown, little different from MQ. It's definitely more dark. This soil is "High Quality", or HQ for short. **Note: I think you better to dig a bit to find some MQ and HQ first before proceeding to plant your crops. Because I made a mistake, and mistook MQ soil for HQ soil, since it's so dark in comparsion to the light soil. Difference in the soil's quality are the profits. The crops planted in the high quality soil, will boost the crop's value when you sell them. So you'd better off planting some crops in medium or high quality soils. However, there is one way to improve your soil. And it is by using the fertilizers. But in order to unlock the fertilizers, you will need to ship the limestones, found from Moonlight Moon, and Lake Mine. Ten limestones, to be exact. Once you did that, Spring Farm will start to sell the fertilizers. --BOOK ABOUT FERTILIZERS-- "You can use fertilizer to enrich soil poor in nutrients. When you have rich soil, you can harvest better vegetables that earn a higher shipping value. Really good fertilizer can be made from limestone, so it's a good idea to find limestone in the cave and ship it." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ HOW TO PLANT? ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll need some seeds, so buy them from Spring Farm. Head to the land you want to plant your crops. Equip your hoe, and hold down "R". It'll show the blue border, so you can see where you'll strike if you use your hoe. So now you can make the formation with a hoe. Use this formation - XXX XXX X X "X" is place where you can till with your hoe. On third row, there're empty middle slot. It's made that way so you can water the crop in middle with your iron watering can. Until you upgrade your watering can, you can't reach the middle crop if you use this - XXX XXX XXX There are some crops that'll grow back when harvested. It's called the regrow crops. If you use above formation, you are unable to harvest the middle slot. So it's good idea to open a empty slot so you can reach the middle. For more information on the formations, there're the great guide about it in the gamefaqs. Be sure to check it out. After making your own formation - Just stand in middle of your formation, and use your seeds. The seeds will spread to the formation surrounding you, and one you're standing on. Now you're done tilling, and planting the seeds. So just pick up the watering can, and fill it with water from the watering hole. Water your crops. Be sure to water your crops everyday (except days when it's raining) until the veggies are ready to be harvested. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ SEASONAL CROPS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Head to Spring Farm, and you will see the seeds on sale. You can buy some of them, and plant them. Note that, during Winter, you are unable to grow your crops since the fields are covered with snow. So there aren't any Winter crops. Day Grow - The amount of days it takes for the crop to mature. Regrow - Amounts of the days for harvested crops to grow its vegetables back. All crops with "regrow" will grow multiple vegetables during season. SPRING CROPS ---------------------------------------------------------------- | CROP NAME | BUY |Day Grow| Regrow | (HQ) | (MQ) | (PQ) | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Breadfruit | 60G | 7 Days | 2 Days | 300G | 150G | 105G | | Cabbage | 40G | 7 Days | | 340G | 170G | 119G | | Potato | 30G | 6 Days | | 100G | 100G | 100G | | Turnip | 20G | 4 Days | | 180G | 90G | 63G | | Strawberries(1) | | 7 Days | 2 Days | 400G | 200G | 140G | | Moondrop Flower | 20G | 5 Days | | 40G | 40G | 40G | | Green Herb | 20G | 4 Days | | 100G | 100G | 100G | ---------------------------------------------------------------- (1)= Ship 50 Cabbages to unlock the Strawberries. SUMMER CROPS ---------------------------------------------------------------- | CROP NAME | BUY |Day Grow| Regrow | (HQ) | (MQ) | (PQ) | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Cocoa | 50G | 9 Days | 4 Days | 320G | 160G | 112G | | Corn | 40G | 9 Days | 2 Days | 300G | 150G | 105G | | Onion | 20G | 4 Days | | 180G | 90G | 63G | | Tomato | 50G | 8 Days | 4 Days | 150G | 150G | 150G | | Pinkcat Flower | | 6 Days | | 150G | 150G | 150G | ---------------------------------------------------------------- AUTUMN CROPS ---------------------------------------------------------------- | CROP NAME | BUY |Day Grow| Regrow | (HQ) | (MQ) | (PQ) | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Bell Pepper | 40G | 5 Days | 3 Days | 140G | 70G | 49G | | Carrot | 40G | 5 Days | | 220G | 110G | 77G | | Eggplant | 40G | 6 Days | 3 Days | 240G | 120G | 84G | | Pumpkin | 70G | 8 Days | | 360G | 180G | 126G | | Spinach | 40G | 5 Days | | 260G | 130G | 91G | | Yam | 30G | 6 Days | 3 Days | 80G | 80G | 80G | | Orange Herb | 20G | 4 Days | | 130G | 130G | 130G | ---------------------------------------------------------------- --BOOK ABOUT VEGETABLE SEEDS-- "Vegetable seeds are seasonal. Before sowing seeds, till the soil. Some crops can be harvested multiple times, though for other crops, only one harvest is possible. Also, nearly all crops die off when the season changes, so watch out." --BOOK ABOUT FLOWERS-- "Flowers make gardens beautiful. They can be used in fragrance balm. They don't fetch a high price, but the smell will make you feel happy. Flowesr are also great for presents." --BOOK ABOUT HERBS-- "Herbs grow in the wild, but you can also grow them from seeds. There are many varieties of herbs and many have uses and medical benefits. Since herbs can be used for cooking, medicine and other things, they're an important type of crop." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ GRASS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The grass seeds are available in Spring Farm, for Spring, Summer and Autumn. They cost 50g per a piece. Do not use the special formation as I said above, since the grass do not require watering at all. So use 3x3 formation - XXX XXX <-- that formation, 3x3 XXX Just till the 3x3 formation, and stand in middle, and then plant your seeds. You don't need to water them, so just leave them be. They'll grow on their own. And they'll keep growing, so you can use your sickle to harvest for some fodders. The grass will stay there until the winter. --BOOK ABOUT GRASS SEED-- "Grass seeds can be sown from spring to fall and grown without watering. Before sowing seeds, till the soil. One bag of seeds is for 3x3 squares. When grass is tall, cut with a sickle. Cut grass is automatically stored in the silo and can be taken out of the fodder hole of the barn." ----------------------------------------------- WHICH CROP IS BEST? ----------------------------------------------- A number right before the crop's name, is the rank of profit. For instance, 1.Strawberries - it means it's best crop of spring season. It will bring you A LOT of the money. FLOWERS & HERBS ARE NOT INCLUDED HERE SPRING CROPS 1. Strawberries 2. Breadfruits 3. Cabbages 4. Turnips 5. Potato SUMMER CROPS 1. Corns 2. Cocoas 3. Onions 4. Tomatos AUTUMN CROPS 1. Eggplants 2. Bell Peppers 3. Spinach 4. Carrots 5. Pumpkins 6. Yams