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In order to get married you need to extend your house. You purchase them from gotz at the wood shed in the forest. The types are as followed

Chicken coop- This is the first extension you must get. It gives you room for 10 chickens instead of 5. It also gives you two incubators so you can hatch two eggs. Costs 5000G and you need 420 wood pieces

1st house extension- It adds a kitchen and a cabinet and refrigerator. By kitchen I mean small kitchen and you cant by items for the kitchen for the shopping network with this upgrade.

It costs 4700 G and 370 wood pieces

Barn extension- This makes room for 20 animals instead of 10 and it also opens up two birthing stations. Costs 6800G and 500 Pieces of Wood.

2nd house ext- The 2nd house extension will give you everything to get married. You will have a separate bedroom for you and your future wife. A deluxe kitchen to cook everything. And a bigger table and things. It costs 10000G and 750 wood pieces.

Greenhouse- Last extension and its not required. You'll see why. It makes you grow any crops and season but it blows away easily. For 30000G and 580 pieces of wood you can have it but make sure it doesn't blow away, however, there is not really a way to prevent this it just happens at random..