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1. Mothers Hill/Mountain Area: Mothers Hill is a great view spot for different events, suck as the starryNight Festival or the New Years Sunrise. Many different wild items can be found during the year that you can gather. When you are at the top of Mothers hill, The town you can see down in the Valley is Forget-Me-Not Valley, the town in AWL 2. Spring Mine: The Spring Mine is accesible all year round. Inside are 255 floors. This is where you can dig up the different ores you need to upgrade your tools. For a more detailed list of items see the Mining Section 3. Lake/Winter Mine: In the lake lives Kappa. He doesnt have much use, except if you give him 10 cucumbers he will give you a special blue power berry. During the winter the lake will be frozen and you can reach the small island in the center and go inside the winter mine. Inside are many types of jewels and special items. For more infor see the mining section. 4. Hot Springs/Goddess Pond: Jump in the springs to restore Stamina if your feeling tired. If you throw something into the pond such as a flower the Goddess will appear. This will raise your friendship with her and she will also ask if you wanted to connect to the Gamecube, this of course is how you link with AWL. If you wish to not link up just selcet "no". 5. Your Farm: Here is where most of your work will take place. At the beginning the farm is pretty run down. No animals except your Dog. The feilds are clogged with debris. Your goal is to clean up the farm and bring it back to the successful state it was when you visited when you were a kid. 6. Forest/Gotz's House: In the forest are many stumps you can chop for lumber, along with many wild items to pick in each season. In the cabin lives Gotz the woodcutter. When he is available you can go here to ask him to upgrade things on your farm. 7. The Beach: here is where the best fishing is, especially if you have a level 6 or higher fishing rod. A few festivals are held here and many of the other towns people can be found here during the day and evening. In the houses live Zack the shipper and his Room-mate Won. Who is a traveling salesman. You can also buy items from him when he is inside. The other is Kai's Food Stand. Open in summer. 8. Yodel Ranch: Barley runs the Yodel ranch. Inside his house is where you can order cows and sheep, fodder and miricle potions. 9. Poultry Farm: All of your chicken needs can be found here. Rick, Lillia and Popuri live here. They sell chickens, Healing Potions and Chicken Feed. Although during summer its smart to grow corn and make your own. 10. Blacksmith: This is the shop where you take your tools to have them upgraded when you have enough experience with them. Along with buying different tools such as the Milker, Brush etc. 11. Aja Winery: when the winery is open you can purchase Wine and Grape Juice. The wine is one of Karens favorite gifts. So make sure ti buy her some if your planning on marrying her. 12. The Inn: Ann and her father Doug live and work here. many other people hang around here in the evnings for drinks and even to stay. cliff will also stay here. 13. Rose Square: Almost all of the main events in Mineral town are held here. Check your calendar or the billbord in the square to find out about up-coming events that season. 14. Mary's Library: Connected to Basil and Anna's house is the Library. Inside are many books that you can look at to give you hints on farming and shipping prices etc. 15. Houses: In the western most house lives Ellen and Stu. Elli's family. In the other lives mayor Thomas and his son Harris the town policeman. 16. Supermarket: Karen and her family run the supermarket. This is the shop where you can buy all your cooking supplies along with your crop seeds you need for each season. 17. Mineral Clinic: Elli and the Doctor work and live here. You cna get yourself examined by the Doctor for 10G or if you talk to elli over the counter you can buy Bodigizer and Turbojolt to replenish your stamina and reduce your fatigue. 18. Church: Carter lives here and it is open everyday. On rainy days, or wednesday you can go into confession. If you have a cursed tool this is where you go to get it removed or it to become blessed depending on what tool you have. 19. Sprites House: To hire the sprites to help you, you can go here to talk to them. But first you must get them to at least 3 hearts. 9 bags of flour usualy brings them up one heart.