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Spring Festivals: New Years festival Spring 1st 6pm @ Rose Square. Everyone makes rice cakes and eats until they are full. any empty slots you have in your rucksack when you attend will be filled with free rice cakes. Spring Thanksgiving Spring 14th Make some cookies and give them to the girls in the village. Each girl you give cookies will be very greatful and their love point meter will raise a little more then normal. Spring Horse Race Spring 18th 10am, Rose Square 3 races will be held. You can enter your horse as well. To bet on other racers talk to Mayor Thomas before the race starts and place your bet. The smaller the number beside a racers name the better chance they will win. When you enter for the 1st time your odds will be very high. in the 60's. you can bet on yourself and if you win you get a huge payout of medals. You can exchange these medals with Mayor Thomas for prizes. Prizes and Medals required: Adamantite: 4 Truffle: 10 Diamond: 14 Broach: 18 Necklace: 20 Sunblock: 30 Skin Lotion: 35 Facial Pack: 42 Dress: 250 Power Berry: 900 Jewel of Truth: 1000 If your short on money and need alot bring your basket with you to the races. If you get a good payout fill your basket with broches. They sell for 2000G each. and if you fill your rucksack and basket with them you will get a nice profit the next day when Zack picks them up. Cooking Festival Spring 22nd 10am. Rose square When you get there talk to the gourmet and he will tell you a type of dish to make. Leave rose Square and you will be transported back home. If you have a kitchen then cook something. The more ingredients you add the better chance you have at winning. The 1st 5 years of the game will have an order of what type of dishes need to be made. after year 5 it is random each year. Year 1 Juices - Mixed Latte, Fruit Juice, Veggie Juice etc. Year 2 Sweets - Chocolate Cookies, Cake, Pudding etc Year 3 Bread - Sandwitches, Rolls, Raisen Bread etc Year 4 Noodles - Curry Udon, Tempura Udon, Fried Noodles etc Year 5 Rice - Omlette Rice, Sushi, Truffle Rice etc. Summer Festvals: Frizbee Contest Summer 1st 10am , beach On spring 30 Zack will come and ask if you want to enter your dog in the contest. To play the contest just follow the rules and guidlines the game gives you. Chicken Sumo Festival Summer 7th 10am, Rose Square You will have your chicken and another one in a ring. you have to root for your chicken when it is facing a certain way to scare the opponent. the goal is to scare the other chicken out of the ring. There are 3 rounds. If you win your chicken will lay golden eggs if they are 8 hearts or higher. The more hearts your chicken has the easier it will be to win Cow Festival Summer 20th 10am, Rose Square On the 19th Barley will come and ask you if you want to enter a cow in the contest. The higher hearts the cow has the better chance you have at winning. If you win your cow will produce gold milk. Fire Works Summer 24th 6pm, Beach After the festival is over it will automatically go to the next day so make sure youve checked the weather if you have your animals outside. If you have a girl at a green heart or higher you can ask them to watch the fireworks with you. Fall Festivals: Music Festival Fall 3rd 6pm, Church The day before Carter will come and ask if you want to play in the music festival. You can say yes or no. Its up to you. When you get there talk to evrryone and then talk to carter when your ready to start the festival Harvest Festival Fall 9th 10am, Rose Square Bring something good, like a fish or one of your crops to put in the giant pot for the Harvest Stew. Everyone gets to eat alot. Full Moon Festival Fall 13th 6pm-Midnight, Mother's Hill, Summit You must have a girl at a green heart or higher for this event to take place. When you get to the summit whoever has the highest points for you will be waiting there. You get a nice cut scene with the full moon rising in the sky. The love points for the girl will rise in this event if you chose to watch with them. After the event it will be the next day at 6am Fall Horse Race Fall 18th 10am, Rose Square Same as the Spring Horse Race Sheep festival Fall 21st 10am, Rose Square On the 20th Barley will come and ask you if you want to enter a sheep in the contest. The higher hearts the sheep has the better chance you have at winning. If you win your sheep will produce gold wool. Pumpkin festival Fall 30th Your house 6am-10am [6pm] This is the day you give candy to the kids. You will have 3 visiters during the day. at 6am, 8am and 10 am. May comes at 6am, Stu at 8am and then Popuri comes at 10am, saying it isnt fair tat only kids get candy. so she wants a peice too. Buy some chocolate at the supermarket the day before to give to them.If you are married go in your house afetr 6pm and you will get an event with your wife and she has made some sweets for you and her to eat. After that the next day will start automatically. Winter Festivals: Thomas' Winter Request Winter 2nd 6am,7pm ,Your House Save before you go outside on this day. Thomas will be there waiting for you. he needs an item from you and it is random what he will ask for. If he asks for something you cant get, reload and try again. easiest is white grass. You can find one behind Gotz house in winter at the end of the little path. He will come back at 7pm wheny ou agree to get him the item. Give it to him and as thanks he will give you a peice of Golden Lumber. Which is basically useless as you can use it for anything. You cannot ship it, or put it on your fields becase the villagers will get mad at you for showing off. The weather also needs to be clear for this event to take place. Winter Thanksgiving Winter 14th 6am-2pm, Your House. Any girl that has a purple heart or higher on this day will stop by and give you gift wrapped chocolate stuff. To un-wrap it, put it in your fidge and you will be asked if you want to un-wrap it. Popuri will show up at 6am Ann @ 8am Elli @ 10am Karen @ Noon Mary @ 2pm Starry Night Festival Winter 24th 6pm or later, Any girls house that you are invited to Talk to a girl with a green heart or higher on the 23rd. She will ask you if you would like to come spend the Starry Night festival with her and her family. Go to their house afetr 6pm for dinner Stocking Festival Winter 25th Go to bed between 9pm and Midnight, Your House You will need to get the Sock 1st for this event to take place. To get the sock become good friends with Ellen. Once you have done that between the 1st and 23rd of winter give Ellen a ball of yarn. Make sure to go there between 9am-11am. She will then knit you the sock which will hang on the sock hook in your house. After you have the sock that night Thomas will sneak into your house and leave you a gift in the sock. But he isnt very generous, so its nothing too exciting. New years Eve winter 30th 6pm or later Rose Square or Mothers Hill Summit If you go to Rose Sqaure there will be a few people there making buckwheat noodles. This will work the same as the new years Festival, any empty slots you have you will get free buckwheat flour. or you can go up to Mothers Hill Summit. There will be a few of the other villagers that werent at the square. Talk to Doug to get the event started. There arent eny free gifts from this event, but you do get a nice cut-scene of the sun rising over the mountains.