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1. Your House: At the start of the game your house is a small shack. But as you make money you can call Gotz the woodcutter to upgrade it for you. This is where you save, go to sleep and cook once you get the kitchen

2. Mail Box: Here you can check to see if you have got any congrats after you get married, or if it is your b-day, flyers for different shops or notices on up-coming festivals.

3. Dog House: Just there really. Your dog cant even go inside it. But you can change it around to match your mailbox.

4 Shipping Bin: Drop any items you want to sell for profit in here before 5:00pm when Zack comes by to pick it up.

5. Pond: Use this area to fill up your watering can. It is also rumored that you can put fish in here and catch them again as you need them.

6. Apple Tree: All year round you can collect Honey from this tree, and In fall you can get 3 apples a day that drop on the ground. Both the Honey and Apples sell for 50G each.

7. Chicken Coop: Of course this is where your chickens stay once you buy some or hatch them.
At 1st you can only have 4 chickens but Gotz can upgrade it so you can have up to 8 chickens. Also you can make a fence out of stones or lumber to keep your chickens outside on sunny days.

8. Water Mill: The building next to the coop. You can place corn in the summer to make chicken feed. 1 corn makes 30 bushels of chicken feed.

9. Barn: This is where your cows and sheep will go when you buy them from the Yodel Ranch. At first you can only have up to 8 animals. After you get Gotz to upgrade it you will have room for 16 animals.

10. Lumber Shed: every time you chop a branch, or a stump the lumber material goes here. The lumber shed has enough space to hold 999 pieces. If you need to store up more you can take some out and also put it on your shelf.

11. Stable: Your Horse stays here when it is rainy. Make sure to let him out on Sunny days.

12. Field: After you clean out your land this is where you can plant your crops, and make a pasture for your cows and sheep and even a pen for your chickens. make sure the fence is complete or wild dogs can hurt your animals. It is best to make the fences out of the little stones instead of the lumber as the stones will not rot.

13. River: Easy and accessible spot to fish. One of the King Fish can be caught here.[/left] Page 1

To get additional buildings and extensions on the farm go and visit Gotz. He lives in the forest south east of your house in the house near all the tree stumps. He takes orders approximately from 11am to 4pm, but sometimes he will not take them. At times, he might get in an emo mode and say you don't appreciate him. If this happens just give him gifts everyday and eventually he will build for you again, however, this can take over a year at times. To prevent this make sure you give him gifts as a thank you for building things and this most likely wont happen.

This is the list of possible things he can build. You will need money and wood. To get more wood use your Ax on the tree stumps that appear on Mother's Hill. You can also buy wood from Gotz for 10G each but that's not really necessary unless your in a hurry.. Every day the tree stumps will reappear so you can cut them up again for more wood.

Price List
Wood 50 G each, buys you 1 piece of wood
Golden Wood 100,000 G each, appears after you collect 999 wood
House upgrade #1 3,000 G + 200 wood
House upgrade #2 10,000 G + 700 wood
Chicken barn upgrade 5,000 G + 420 wood
Animal barn upgrade 6,800 G + 500 wood
Vacation Home 100,000,000 G + 999 wood
Bathroom 30,000 G + 580 wood
Home Window redesign 25,000 G + 300 wood
Dog House redesign 20,000 G + 500 wood
Mailbox redesign 10,000 G + 200 wood

After you have the Bathroom built into your farm house you can use it to recharge your energy, just like you would if you were to hop into the Hot Springs. Using the Bathroom takes 30 minutes and you can't see what you're doing inside of the room.

The redesigns (windows, mailbox, and dog house) will appear in his "to do" list after you have all the other upgrades. You can have Gotz rebuild those 3 items at any point in time and you can have him do it more then once if you want. If you don't like the design you pick you can always have him build the "Red" versions, which are the ones you started out with. Gotz takes 3 days to complete each upgrade.