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This is the non marryable characters: 
Name: Anna
B-Day: Fall, 23
Info: Mary's mother and Basil's wife
Where: At their home, Rose Square and Mother's Hill (Mon. Mornings)
Likes: Honey, Wine, Apple, Strawberry, Sweet Potato, Egg, Flour, Oil,
       Diamond, Pink Diamond

Name: Barley
B-Day: Spring, 17
Info: Owns Yodel Farm. Takes care of granddaughter, May.
Where: At his house and hot spring (Mon. afternoons)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Bamboo shoots, Honey, Milk, Noodles, Buckwheat Flour,
       Spa Boiled Egg , Rice Balls, Rice Cake, Scrambled Eggs, Miso Soup

Name: Basil
B-Day: Summer, 11
Info: Anna's husband and Mary's father. Author of books in the library.
      A botanist.
Where: His house, Mother's Hill( Mon. Mornings), Inn (at night)
Likes: Flowers, Medicinal Herbs (grasses), Elli Leaves, Wine, Mushroom,
       Poison Mushroom, Tomato Juice, Wild Grape Juice, Wild Grape

Name: Carter
B-Day: Fall, 20
Info: Pastor at the church
Where: Church, outside church (early mornings and afternoon church days)
Likes: Wine, Branches, Honey, Fishes, Food, Buckwheat Flour, Flour, Egg,
       Curry, Turnip, Milk, Oil

Name: Doug
B-Day: Winter, 11
Info: Owns the Inn. Ann's father.
Where: Inn
Likes: Cheese Fondue, Buckwheat Flour, Apple, Honey, Fish, Milk,
       Vegetable crops, Wine, Wild Grape Juice

Name: Duke
B-Day: Winter, 15
Info: Owns the winery. Manna's husband.
Where: Winery, Wine Cellar, Vineyard, Inn (at night)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Honey, Food, Buckwheat Flour, Bread, Egg,
       Cheese, Sashimi, Eggplant, Cucumber

Name: Ellen
B-Day: Winter, 13
Info: Elli and Stu's grandmother
Where: In her house
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Mushrooms, Elli Leaves, Yarn, Carrot, Flour, Milk,
       Pumpkin, Spa-Boiled Egg, Rice Cake

Name: Gotz
B-Day: Fall, 2
Info: Builds stuff for you if you have enough money and lumber. Kind of grumpy.
Where: Mountain area, his shop, outside of his shop, supermarket
Likes: Honey, Wine, Ketchup, Butter, Buckwheat Flour, Wool, Apple,
       Cheese, Wild Grape Juice, Egg, Flour, Oil, Potato, Onion

Name: Gourmet Judge
B-Day: Fall, 3
Info: Judges Cooking Festival. 
Where: Cooking Festival at Rose Square
Likes: Delicious gourmet cuisine

Name: Harris
B-Day: Summer, 4
Info: The town constable with the most boring job ever (very peaceful town...)
Where: Traveling through town, Gotz's, Mayor's house, Inn,
       Yodel Farm (Sun. morning)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Flowers, Honey, Jewelries, Spa-Boiled Egg,
       Fish's), Bodigizer, Turbo jolt

Name: Harvest Goddess
B-Day: Spring, 8 (Spring, 9)
Info: May help you with your love life. Gives Power Berry, Relaxation
      Tea leaves and White grass. You can also marry her like the rest of
      the girls
Where: Harvest Goddess Spring
Likes: Pineapple, Flowers, Eggs, Crops

Name: Harvest Sprites
Info: Plays minigame and helps you out at your farm. Invites you to a tea
      party where you can get Relaxation Tea Leaves
Where: At the hut behind the church.
Likes: Flour, Bread, Herbs with corresponding colors (best if gift-wrapped)
B-days: Bold  (Purple) Spring 4; Staid (Blue) Spring 15; Aqua (marine) Spring 26;
        Timid (Green) Summer16; Hoggy (Yellow) Fall 10; Chef (Red) Fall 14;
        Nappy (Orange) Winter 22

Name: Jeff
B-Day: Winter, 25
Info: Owns Grocery Store. Sasha's husband and Karen's father.
Where: Supermarket, Clinic, Church
Likes: Elli Leaves, Honey, Fruit Juice, Blue Grass, Blue Magic Grass,
       Corn Flakes, Bodigizer, Turbojolt

Name: Kappa
Info: Throw Cucumbers in his pond for ten days straight to get the blue power
Where: Lake on Mother's Hill
Likes: Cucumbers

Name: Lillia
B-Day: Spring, 19
Info: Owns Poultry Farm. Popuri and Rick's mother.
Where: Her shop/house, Clinic (Sundays)
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Eggs, Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Milk, Apple, Carrot,
       Tomato, Strawberry

Name: Manna
B-Day: Fall, 11
Info: Dukes wife and cashier at the Winery
Where: Rose Square, her house/winery, supermarket
Likes: Flowers (except Fall flowers), Honey, Milk, Spinach, Bamboo Shoots,
       Fish, Mushroom

Name: May
B-day: Winter, 26
Info: Barley's granddaughter
Where: Yodel Farm, outside the church on Church days, Hot spring (Mon.afternoons)
Likes: Flowers, Honey, Apple, Pineapple, Fruit Juice, Chocolate, Boots, Hot
       Strawberry Milk, Cookies, Ice Cream
Name: Saibara
B-Day: Spring, 11
Info:  Gray's grandfather. Owns blacksmith shop. Really grumpy.
Where: His shop, supermarket (on Thu. afternoons), Inn (at nights)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Branches, Ores, minerals, Honey, Wine, Wild Grape Juice
       Buckwheat Flour, Turnip, Bamboo Shoots, Fish(L), Miso Soup

Name: Sasha
B-Day: Spring, 30
Info:  Jeff's wife and Karen's mother. Also Lillia's best friend.
Where: Supermarket, Poultry Farm House (Tuesdays), Rose Square (Afternoons)
Likes: Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Moondrop Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers, Diamond,
       Pink Diamond, Chocolate, Cookies, Honey

Name: Stu
B-Day: Fall, 5
Info: Elli's brother
Where: Ellen's house, by the Church (afternoon church days)
Likes: Strawberry Milk, Honey, Chocolate, Hot Milk, Cookies, Ice Cream,
       Sandwich, Yarn, Wild Grape

Name: Thomas
B-Day: Summer, 25
Info: Mayor of Mineral Town
Where: Supermarket (Saturday mornings), his house, Rose Square (afternoons),
       Inn (Weekend afternoons)
Likes: Elli Leaves, Bamboo shoots, Grapes, Honey, Wine, Wild Grape Juice,
       Buckwheat Flour, Jam Bun, Jewelries

Name: Won
B-Day: Winter, 19
Info: Traveling salesman. Shares house with Zack.
Where: Zack's House, sometimes in front of your house
Likes: Girl gifts, mythic stone, alexandrite, diamond, pink diamond, pirate
       treasure, fossil

Name: Zack
B-Day: Summer, 29
Info: The shipper. Gives good advice. Lives at Mineral Beach.
Where: Supermarket (mornings), his house, your farm, Saibara's (some nights)
Likes: Wild Grape, Flowers, Crops, Wine, Wild Grape Juice, Apple, Cheese