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Type: A friendly soul.
What he thinks about you at the beginning: He'll accept you as
his friends quickly, but after you become his pal, it's kind of
hard to go on to make him as your boyfriend.
Appearance: looks fierce with all brown accessories (includes his
own hair) but looking sweet with his smile.
From: He's not from this village. He left his family in the
city for some reason...
Lives: He has no home, so he lives at the inn.
Daily time: before he got a work, he spends all his day grumbling
at the church. After he works, you can visit him at his workplace
every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every Saturday he will
accompany his boss's family to the church and got a lunch at the
Favorite: Miso soup
Love: curry rice, omelet rice, fried rice, mushroom rice, truffle
rice and a vegetable pancake.
Likes: spa-boiled egg, chocolate, cake, ice cream and anything
that is sweet.
Accept: any fruit and vegetables.
Things you will get from him:
-	A family picture: see the EVENTS below
-	Face Lotion: invite him to your house at the Star Night
Festival. The next day he will give you this.
-	Cookies
-	First Impressions
If you haven't met Cliff from the very start of the game, this
is your chance.
Go to the church at 12 o'clock. Priest Carter and Cliff are
ready to go somewhere, and Priest ask you to watch for his
church while he goes out. Choose the first choice to say yes,
the second choice means you're busy.
I you choose yes, go out, and go in again. This time they are
ready to go. After they left, go in to the room on the left,
by choosing the first choice.
Wait a while... and Kai will come. He'll looking for the
priest. When he doesn't find anyone, he'll think that the
priest is in that room. He will go in, and ready to make a
confession. You can choose to stay pretending (first choice)
or tell him who you are (second choice).
What happens next is:
First Choice: He'll make a confession and leaving, but when
the priest and Cliff back, they will be very disappointed to
you, and Kai won't even know who you are.
Second choice: You tell him that the priest is going
somewhere. Kai will be surprised at first, but then act nice to
you. In a while priest and Cliff comes back. Kai will have a
chat with the priest, then saying that you are a sweet girl.
His heart level with you will rise up one color. Priest will
be happy with you. For the next time he will be a nice friend
and will love to answers your questions. Cliff, will also
instantly likes your attitude, then being your friend, his
heart rise up one color.
-	First Night at Pub
This happens when you visit pub in the first time at night.
When you comes in, Ann will greeted you, then Doug will calls
you to his corner. If you haven't meet Cliff before (you
didn't do the 'First Impressions' events) Cliff will then be
at that corner too. Doug will introduce you to him. He will
then greet you. The first choice you choose will make him
happy, the second will make him sad. But whatever options you
choose, his heart level will rise up one color (as I say, he
is a friendly man type).
-	Looking for a job?
At autumn, Duke from Aja Winery will come to ask you for a
help. He needs some workers to help him harvest his grape in
the vineyard. Well, it pays well, so you can't say no (truth
is, he won't care whatever you say, he will go for it anyway)
This is a good thing to tell Cliff, isn't it? He doesn't have
a job, and he will go forever from the village if the only
chance he can get is not offered to him.
If you decide to tell Cliff, no matter you help Duke or not,
Cliff will then work for him because Duke likes him.
-	Winter Passed Out
Go to the square on the winter. Well, Cliff is there! And
after walking a few steps, he starts passed out! Go try wake
him, and you will get his family picture. Then you will find
yourselves walking to the pub and tells Ann that Cliff is in
All the crawl happens, and you will be at the clinic. The
Doctor will say that he is okay, but have to rest for a few

days. The Doctor will like you more now, knowing that you are
a good girl! There is nothing more you can do for Cliff now.
So save that picture ad go out.
If you want to, visit Cliff on the clinic for 3-5 days by
bringing some presents: milk, eggs, hot milk, honey, apple,
medicine grass or soup. Bring your own medicine gift from
home, as the Doctor maybe won't sell medicine for some days to
take care of Cliff. Give it to the Doctor. This will make the
Doctor and Cliff likes you more. Then talk to Cliff, he'll say
thank you, telling you that he is missing his mom and sis on
the city. Return the picture, so he will then tell you more
about his family. The next day he will be out from clinic.
If you do this event when Cliff's heart is blue, he will then
interested to you, making it easier to make him love you
-	Lunchtime
One day if you go to the church at noon (when Cliff hasn't got
his job) Ann will be there, delivering a lunch for him.
- Proposition
If the relationship between Ann and Cliff goes well, one day
at the inn they will have a chat. It looks like a normal
conversation at first, but suddenly you will notice that Ann's
face going red. It means in a week they will have their wed.