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Tools and Upgrades
When you first start FoMT you will have 5 tools. These will be your basic tools that arent very efficient, yet! As you use the tools they will slowly be able to be upgraded. To see how high you can upgrade them there is a meter in your select menu, go to it and press left on the D-pad. There will be the list of your tools and a bar meter beside each of them. as you use your tool the bar will fill up. When it can be upgraded a small colored dot will appear under it. The color of these dots indeicates the type of ore you need to get. Once you have the ore you take it to Sabaira the Blacksmith and he will build you the tool. Depending on what level the tool is and how many levels you are upgrading it determines how long it will take. It can take anywhere from 1 day to 5 days. Once you select the tool to be upgraded you will be kicked out of the store automatically and wont be able to re-enter until the tool is finished. So do not bring your basket or dog with you if your getting a tool because you will not be able to get it back until the tool is finished. There is a 6th tool you can get. A fishing Rod. To get the fishing rod go to Zacks house on the beach during the 1st few days of your game. Enter and make sure you dont have a tool equipped. at 1st your backpack will only have 3 slots for tools. So you can store your extra tools in the toolbox in your house until you can buy the bigger rucksack from the supermarket. Below is a list of the tools at different levels and the amount of work each one can accomplish. When you level up your tools hold donw the B button to charge them up until your character doesnt move backwards anymore. Then your tool will be fully charged and do the level of work you desire. This way the highest level hammer can still do the job of a level one. Level One: Upgrade Cost: N/A Hammer: Break small stones Hoe: Till 1 square Axe: Cut branches Sickle: cuts one square Watering Can: waters 1 square Fishing Rod: catch small fish Level Two: Copper: Upgrade Cost: 1 copper ore + 1000G Hammer:Smash large stones in 3 hits Hoe: Till 2x1 area Axe: Chop Stumps in 6 hits Sickle: Cut a 1x3 area Watering Can: Water a 1x3 area Fishing Rod: Catch small and medium fish Level 3: Silver: Upgrade Cost: 1 Silver ore + 2000G Hammer: Smash large stone in 2 hits, boulder in 6 hits Hoe: Till a 3x1 area Axe: Chop Stumps in 3 hits Sickle: Cut 2x3 area Watering Can: Water a 2x3 area Fishing Rod: Catch small and medium fish [better chance at catching medium then copper] level 4: Gold: Upgrade Cost: 1 Gold ore + 3000G Hammer: Smash large stone in 1 hit, smash boulder in 3 hits Hoe: Tills 4x1 area Axe: Chop stumps in 2 hits Sickle: Cuts a 3x3 area Watering Can: Waters a 3x3 area Fishing Rod: catch mdeium and large fish Level 5: Mystril: Upgrade Cost: 1 Mystril ore + 5000G Hammer: Smash boulder in 2 hits Hoe: Till 6x1 area Axe: Chop stumps in 1 hit Sickle: Cuts a 5x5 area Watering Can: Waters a 3x5 area Fishing Rod: Catch large fish, and power berry off the dock in winter. After you upgrade all of your tools to mystril a set of cursed tools will appear in the winter mine on different levels. The cursed tools are black and once you equip them. You will not be able to unequip them until you get the removed by Carter at the Church in confession or fulfill the requirments to get them to turn blessed. After they become blessed they will turn orange. You can unequip them, they do the same amount of work at the cursed, but they wont sap your engery as much. below along with the amount of work the tools do will be listed what levles each tool can be found on in the winter mine. The tools are found in the ground, not in rocks. There is also a chance the tools wont appear so always save before you go down to the level. If the tool doesnt appear, reload and try again. Level 7: Cursed: Upgrade Cost: N/A Hammer: Smash all stones in 1 hit, Floor 59 Hoe: Tills a 12x3 area. Floor 39 Axe: Chop all tree stumps on the current screen. floor 49 Sickle: Cut a 9x9 area. Floor 79 Watering Can: Waters a 6x13 area. Floor 69 Fishing Rod: catch large fish, king fish, Pirate treasure[summer at beach], Fish fossil [fall, at beach] Floor 29 Level 8: Blessed: Upgrade Cost: N/A Hammer: Equip the hammer for 10 days straight [use the Hravest Sprites to help you *] Hoe: Have Carter bless the tool 10 times for 1000G each time Axe: Use the tool 255 times Sickle: Equip for 10 days straight [use the Harvest Sprites to help you * Watering Can: Have Carter bless it 10 times for 1000G each time. Fishing Rod: Use the tool 255 times. * When hiring the Harvest Sprites to help you care for your animals and watering your crops. Make sure to split them into 2 teams. Since you can only hire them for a week at a time. If you hire all of them at once there will be one day they wont come and you will have to re-hire them. Instead hire them in 2 teams. One 1 or 2 days after the other to make it through the whole 10 days. After you get all your tools to blessed the Mythic stones will appear in the spring mine at level 60. The Mythic Stones look like a black branch. Take it to Sabaira with 50,000G and he will upgrade your tools to the ultimate stage. Mythic. Your tools will then turn green. Level 9: Mythic: Upgrade Cost: 1 Mythic Stone + 50,000G Hammer: Smash all stones on the screen in 1 hit Hoe: Tills a 18x5 area Axe: Chops all stumps on screen in 1 hit, using 50% less energy then blessed Sickle: Cuts a 15x15 area Watering Can: Waters a 12x21 area Fishing Rod: catch all fish sizes, increased chance of getting pirate treasure and fish fossils The Makers: After you have upgraded your Animal Barn and Chicken Coop you will notice a barrel or two appear inside. These can be turned into Makers that can process your animals products into cheese, mayo and yarn. To get the makers talk to Sabaira the Blacksmith. Adamantite can be found on floor 10 and below Cheese Maker: Ore: Adamantite Cost: 20,000G Takes 5 days to complete Put Milk in the maker to get Cheese Yarn Maker: Ore: Adamantite Cost: 20,000G Takes 5 days to complete Put Wool in the maker to get Yarn Mayo Maker: Ore: Adamantite Cost: 20,000G Takes 5 days to complete Put an Egg in the maker to get Mayo