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Nina is the pink-haired girl who lives at the flower shop.  Nina loves flowers 
and nature and is very in touch with the earth.  She spends her free time in 
the mountain and cave.  Nina is a free spirit and, along with Eve, is one of 
the two girls who does not attend church on Sunday.  As a wife, Nina spends 
time around the barn doing laundry and folding clothes.  She often comments on 
flowers, grass, or the wildlife in the mountain.


SUMMER, WEEKDAYS – In front of flower shop
"Hello.  Do you like flowers?"
 > "Yes"                  +8 affection
 > "Not really"           +2 affection

WINTER, WEEKDAYS – In front of flower shop
"Do you believe that there is a flower which blooms in winter?"
 > "Yes"                  +8 affection
 > "You're kidding?"      +2 affection

WINTER, SUNDAYS – At mountain
"Plants are alive under the snow.  Isn't it wonderful?"
 > "Wonderful"            +4 affection
 > "So?"                  +1 affection

ALL SEASONS, SATURDAY – In mountain cave (affection score is 150-200)
"I heard there was the 'Secret Garden' in the ranch.  Is it so?  I want to go
  see it"
 > "OK"                   +10 affection
 > "I don't want to go"   +2 affection

The table below shows the impact of gifts when at specific locations.  Nina 
gets very upset if you pick cave herbs, so never give those to her as gifts.  
She also hates flowers of any kind when married.  She is oddly open to poison 
mushrooms when married, though, and is the only girl in the game to respond 
favorably when given one.

                        Single         Single         Single          Wife
Gift                  Location 1     Location 2     Location 3     Location 4
----                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Cake                      8              8              8              8
Flower                    6              4              4             -8

Turnip                    4              3              2              5
Potato                    4              3              2              5
Tomato                    4              3              2              5
Corn                      4              3              2              5

Egg                       4              3              2              5
Small Milk                4              3              2              5
Medium Milk               4              3              2              5
Large Milk                4              3              2              5

Wild Grapes               4              3              2              5
Tropical Fruit            4              3              2              5
Mushroom                  4              3              2              5

Fish                      4              3              2              0
Cave Herb                -6             -6             -6              0
Fodder                    0              0              0              0
Weeds                    -4             -4             -4             -4
P. Mushroom              -4             -4             -4              5
Fullmoon Berry            8              8              8              8

Location 1 = Outside flower shop
Location 2 = At mountain or inside mountain cave
Location 3 = Inside bedroom at flower shop
Location 4 = Inside Jack's house or outside barn

The following table shows the impact of certain events if Nina is single or 
your wife.  Note that AS stands for Affection Score.

Event                                     Single       Wife
-----                                     ------       ----
Flower Festival*
Talk (AS is 0-100)                          8           4
Talk (AS is 101-150)                        8           4
Talk (AS is 151-300)                       12           4
Talk (AS is 300+)                          15           4
Dance                                      30          30

Give Perfume
Rose Perfume                                8           8
Lilac Perfume                               8           8
Violet Perfume                              8           8

Harvest Festival
"Yes" to request                            8           8
"No" to request                             2           2
Dance                                      30          30

Egg Festival
Talk after contest                         10          10

Star Night Festival
Visit location                             30          30

New Year's Festival
Talk                                       NA          NA

Special Event                              50          NA

Married Events
Go to bed with wife                        NA           2
Go to bed before wife                      NA           0
Come home when wife is asleep              NA          -2
Wife comes home after leaving              NA         100
Stay with wife during birth                NA          50
Visit another girl during Star Night       NA         -30

* When married, you can talk to Nina repeatedly at the Flower Festival for 4
  affection points each time.

This event occurs once you have an affection score of 200 (or 4 hearts in the 
diary).  It will only occur while you are still single.

Ann's father comes to the ranch in a panic.  Nina went to the mountain to 
retrieve an herb for her sick mother and hasn't returned.  After doing your 
chores, equip the hammer and head over to the cave.  Break the rocks and talk 
to Nina.  She asks for herb.  Bring her one and she recovers, thanking you for 
helping her.

Nina will be at the mountain and has the following messages based on her 
affection score or if she is your wife.

Affection Score is:
- 0-200:   Nina says she sees a shooting star every year and asks you to
           keep the place a secret.
- 201-300: Nina asks if you made a wish and says her wish is a secret.
- 300+:    Nina looks forward to the shooting star every year but is much
           happier with you.
- Married: Nina hopes she can see stars with you every year.