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Maria is the blue-haired, religious girl who is often found around the church.  
Maria is the mayor's daughter, and she enjoys reading, children, and playing 
the organ.  She is an obvious goody-goody and is probably the most upright 
girl in the game.  As a wife, Maria does chores around the barn and makes 
mostly abstract comments about the time or weather.


SPRING, WEEKDAYS – In front of church
"Do you believe in God?"
 > "Yes"                 +8 affection
 > "No"                  +2 affection

FALL, WEEKDAYS – In front of church
"....Excuse me, do you love kids?"
 > "I love kids"         +8 affection
 > "Not really"          +2 affection

"Oh, you have come to listen to the priest"
 > "Yes"                 +4 affection
 > "No"                  +1 affection

ALL SEASONS, SATURDAYS – Inside church (affection score is 150-200)
"Aren't you lonely living in that big place?"
 > "A little lonely"     +10 affection
 > "No, not at all"      +2 affection

The table below shows the impact of gifts when at specific locations.  Maria 
does not have any strong affections for anything until she is married

                        Single         Single         Wife
Gift                  Location 1     Location 2     Location 3
----                  ----------     ----------     ----------
Cake                      3              3              8
Flower                    4              4              8

Turnip                    5              5              4
Potato                    5              5              4
Tomato                    5              5              4
Corn                      5              5              4

Egg                       5              5              4
Small Milk                5              5              4
Medium Milk               5              5              4
Large Milk                5              5              4

Wild Grapes               5              3              4
Tropical Fruit            5              3              4
Mushroom                  5              3              4

Fish                      0              3              4
Cave Herb                 0              0              0
Fodder                    0              0              0
Weeds                    -2             -2             -4
P. Mushroom              -8             -8             -6
Fullmoon Berry            5              3              4

Location 1 = In front of church (sweeping) or inside church
Location 2 = Inside bedroom in mayor's house
Location 3 = Inside Jack's house or outside barn

The following table shows the impact of certain events if Maria is single or 
your wife.  Note that AS stands for Affection Score.

Event                                     Single       Wife
-----                                     ------       ----
Flower Festival*
Talk (AS is 0-100)                          8           4
Talk (AS is 101-150)                        8           4
Talk (AS is 151-300)                       12           4
Talk (AS is 300+)                          15           4
Dance                                      30          30

Give Perfume
Rose Perfume                                5           5
Lilac Perfume                              15          15
Violet Perfume                              8           8

Harvest Festival
"Yes" to request                            8           8
"No" to request                             2           2
Dance                                      30          30

Egg Festival
Talk after contest                         NA          NA

Star Night Festival
Visit location                             30          30

New Year's Festival
Talk                                       10          10

Special Event                              50          NA

Married Events
Go to bed with wife                        NA           2
Go to bed before wife                      NA           0
Come home when wife is asleep              NA          -2
Wife comes home after leaving              NA         100
Stay with wife during birth                NA          50
Visit another girl during Star Night       NA         -30

* When married, you can talk to Maria repeatedly at the Flower Festival for 4
  affection points each time.

This event occurs once you have an affection score of 200 (or 4 hearts in the 
diary).  It will only occur while you are still single.

The mayor comes to your house and tells you that Maria is missing.  Maria is 
hiding out in the carpenters' house on the mountain.  Finish your chores for 
the day, then head over there before 5pm.  Maria may remain missing for 
several days, and you won't be able to find her on the weekends.  Once you 
enter the carpenters' house, they initially try to conceal her, but Maria 
appears and heads home.

Maria will be at the church and has the following messages based on her 
affection score or if she is your wife.

Affection Score is:
- 0-200:   Maria hopes to have a good dream.
- 201-300: Maria wishes she can spend some time with you next year.
- 300+:    Maria asks you to see the stars with her after church.
- Married: Maria hopes everyone is happy and wants to go home after
           seeing the stars.