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Eve is the blonde girl who works/lives at the bar.  Eve has no parents that we 
know of, and her closest relative is the hunter in the mountain.  In her free 
time, she enjoys nature, nude baths in the hot springs, and fermenting her own 
"juice."  Eve is outgoing and flirtatious, but she does have abandonment 
issues and gets lonely very easily.  As a wife, Eve is very hard to keep 
happy.  She carries her abandonment issues into the relationship and actually 
loses affection for you if you go to sleep with her.  You will need to give 
her gifts regularly to maintain her happiness.  In her free time, Eve will 
ferment her own juice in the tool shed.


SPRING, WEEKDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS – At bar (affection score 0-119 or 200+)
"It's my home made fruit juice.  Do you want it?"
 > "Yes"              +4 affection
 > "No thank you"     +8 affection

WINTER, WEEKDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS – At bar (affection score 0-119 or 200+)
"Wasn't it cold outside?  When it's cold, you better drink and warm your body
 from the inside"
 > +2 affection each time you talk

ALL SEASONS, Saturdays – Mountain, near hot springs
"Oh, what a coincidence to meet you here"
 > "Yes"              +2 affection
 > "No"               +8 affection

ALL SEASONS, SUNDAYS – In hot springs (random)
"You are pretty daring, aren't you?  Shall I wash your back?"
 > "Yes"              +8 affection
 > "N..N..No"         +2 affection

ALL SEASONS, WEEKDAYS AND SATURDAYS – At bar (affection score is 150-200)
"I couldn't stand to be alone in that huge place.  Don't you feel lonely?"
 > "Sometimes"        +8 affection
 > "Not at all"       +2 affection

The table below shows the impact of gifts when at specific locations.  When 
both married and single, Eve has a strong aversion to fish.

                        Single         Single         Single          Wife
Gift                  Location 1     Location 2     Location 3     Location 4
----                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Cake                      8              8              6              8
Flower                    8              8              6              8

Turnip                    3              5              4              4
Potato                    3              5              4              4
Tomato                    3              5              4              4
Corn                      3              5              4              4

Egg                       3              5              4              4
Small Milk                3              5              4              4
Medium Milk               3              5              4              4
Large Milk                3              5              4              4

Wild Grapes               3              5              4              4
Tropical Fruit            3              5              4              4
Mushroom                  3              5              4              4

Fish                     -8             -8             -8             -8
Cave Herb                 0              0              0              0
Fodder                    0              0              0              0
Weeds                    -2             -4             -2             -4
P. Mushroom              -8             -8             -8             -8
Fullmoon Berry            3              5              4              4

Location 1 = Bar
Location 2 = Town Square
Location 3 = Mountain
Location 4 = Inside Jack's house or the tool shed

The following table shows the impact of certain events if Eve is single or 
your wife.  Note that AS stands for Affection Score.

Event                                     Single       Wife
-----                                     ------       ----
Flower Festival
Talk (AS is 0-100)                          8           0
Talk (AS is 101-150)                        8           0
Talk (AS is 151-300)                       12           0
Talk (AS is 300+)                          15           0
Dance                                      30          30

Give Perfume
Rose Perfume                               12          12
Lilac Perfume                               4           4
Violet Perfume                              8           8

Harvest Festival
"Yes" to request                            8           8
"No" to request                             2           2
Dance                                      30          30

Egg Festival
Talk after contest                         NA          NA

Star Night Festival
Visit location                             30          30

New Year's Festival
Talk                                       10          10

Special Event                              50          NA

Married Events
Go to bed with wife                        NA          -2
Go to bed before wife                      NA           0
Come home when wife is asleep              NA          -2
Wife comes home after leaving              NA         100
Stay with wife during birth                NA          50
Visit another girl during Star Night       NA         -30

This event occurs once you have an affection score of 200 (or 4 hearts in the 
diary).  It will only occur while you are still single.

The carpenter races to your farm first thing and tells you that the hunter is 
trapped in the mountain cave.  Do your daily chores first, then bring the 
hammer and head to the mountain.  The hunter is in the back near the cave 
herbs, and you must clear away a few rocks to get to him.  After freeing him, 
Eve reiterates how worried she is and thanks you for freeing him.

Eve will be at the bar and has the following messages based on her affection 
score or if she is your wife.

Affection Score is:
- 0-200:   Eve cheers to the beautiful night sky.
- 201-300: Eve cheers to the stars for the fate of having met you.
- 300+:    Eve is glad you came and wants to spend time with you next year.
- Married: Eve says you are late but wants you to join the fun.