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Personal Info: Mary is a quiet bookworm type girl. She works at the library and loves to read. She is very shy but always likes to be visited.

B-day: Winter 20th

Locations: She will be at the library from tuesday to sunday. On mondays she will be at the supermarket helping her mom get groceries.

Favorite gifts: Wld grapes, all mushrooms, chocolate, blue, red, black and white grass, Diamonds, perfume.
Special gifts: veggie juice, Veggie Latte, Relaxation tea

Heart Events:

Black: Go to the Library between 10am and 4pm. You'll walk in and see Mary talking to herself in the corner. She's so lost in thought that she runs into you when she's walking! After she realizes that it's just you, she thanks you for coming to the Library. If you ask her how you can help, she says that she's been working on a new book and had a small case of writer's block

Purple: Go to the Library on Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 10am and 4pm. Mary will be searching the bookcases for something she can't find. She doesnt know your there and when she finally does she says you startled her. Mary goes into her Librarian routine and asks if there's any books you're wanting. Once she realizes that you've seen her searching she tells you what she was looking for. One of the novels has gone missing and she can't seem to find it anywhere. Agree to help her look and you'll start searching the bookcases. After a bit Mary will ask if you're found anything yet, but you haven't.

The two of you check the next set of bookcases and you find the missing novel. Mary's grateful your help and thanks you for finding the book.

Blue: Walk up to the top of Mother's Hill on Monday between noon and 5pm. Don't forget to have an empty slot in your rucksack! At the top you'll find Mary, but it looks like she's been crying. When you talk to her, she says that she was cleaning and found a book. Mary wanted to read it at a location with a nice view, so that's why she's at the top of the hill. Mary asks if you ever cry when reading a really good book.

If you tell her "sometimes" she'll tell you she likes people who respond well to books. Mary then gives you the book she had been reading.

Yellow: Go to Basil's house on Monday between 10am and 1pm. When you go in you'll find Mary's parents, who appear to be concerned. Mary is unhappy and Basil doesn't know what to say. The two of them are pondering what to do when they get a brainstorm and ask you to talk to her and find out what's wrong. They tell you she's upstairs.

When you go upstairs Mary guesses that her Dad sent you up to talk to her. She's really not upset and thinks he must be misunderstanding. She goes back downstairs to explain.

Now that Mary's cleared things up, both Basil and Mana are happy. Turns out the problem was about the subject of a new novel. Basil asks if you would have an idea as to what it should be. You can choose from "you don't know", working on the farm, or Basil's work. If you tell them to make the novel about working on the farm, they all think it's a good idea. Mary asks if you would spend an hour explaining how farm life is. The "interview" actually ended up being longer then expected so Mary apologizes. Then she thanks you for the time you've spent with her. When you go back outside it will be 6pm.