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Personal Info: Karen lives at the Supermarket with her mom and dad. She loves to have fun and drink wine. Karen is defiantly the looker of the 5 girls you can marry.

B-day: Fall 15

Locations: She will be at the supermarket during the day. But for the 1st part of the morning she meets Rick and sits on the bench. Also after 8pm you can find her at the beach.

Favorite Gifts: Cheese, Wine, Truffles, Bamboo Shoots.
Special Gifts: Pizza, French Fries, Popcorn

Competition: Rick

Heart events:

Black: Go to the Supermarket on Wednesday or Friday between 10am and 1pm. You also have to have an empty slot in the Tools section of your rucksack. Once you enter the store, Karen is there to greet you. She knows you just started working on the farm and you might need a lot of new stuff. If you tell her you need help, she'll walk to the back and ask her dad if they can supply you with a bag of seeds. After some arguing, Jeff agrees to give you a bag of Grass Seeds for free.

Purple: Head to the supermarket between 10am and 1pm. When you go inside you will find Karen and Sasha having a disagreement. Both of them are being very defensive towards Jeff, who's just trying to find a solution they would both agree on. Karen notices you walk in and asks for your opinion. Turns out that a family member is sick and they want to send her seeds to help her feel better, but they don't know what kind. Sasha says they should send Pink Cat seeds and Karen votes for Moon Drop seeds.

It's up to you to decide which flower seeds they should send. If you agree with Karen then her friendship level with you will increase.

Blue: Go to the Supermarket between 10am and 1pm. When you enter the building you'll see Jeff, Sasha, Karen, and Duke talking. Karen asks if Duke is telling the truth and tells how happy she is, then thanks her mom and dad. When Karen was born, Jeff had asked Duke to make some wine and now Duke's come by to let them know it's ready to be picked up. Jeff asks if you would like to go with her to pick it up.

If you agree (option 1), you, Karen, and Duke head back to the winery. Duke looks around in the cellar and find the wine that is labeled "Karen". She thanks him but before she leaves, Duke says there's more in the basement! Apparently Jeff was so happy about the birth of his daughter, he ordered Duke to make 3 cases of wine. Karen asks if you'll help them take it all back to the store.

Back at her place, Karen says she's tired but to thank you for your help she gives you a bottle of her Wine

Yellow: Go to the Supermarket on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday between 10am and 1pm. Karen has been cooking in in the kitchen. She walks out from the back and tells her parents that she's pretty sure she was successful this time. Her mom and dad chuckle nervously and then agree that she must have. Karen then asks her parents if they would like to taste what she's made! Poor Jeff laughs and asks why she wants them to taste her food, so Karen tells them she wants to know if it's any good. Sasha whispers to Jeff that Karen's food will probably make them sick. Jeff whispers back that they probably have to taste it so as to not hurt their daughter's feelings. They know that Karen can't cook anything! Jeff's stomach problems "suddenly" acts-up again and he can't eat her food. Karen then sees you walk in, much to Jeff and Sasha's releif! The two of them are happy to see you've arrived. Jeff then volunteers you to taste Karen's cooking. If you agree then you'll follow Karen back into the kitchen while Jeff and Sasha stay in the store and softly apologize for the punishment you're about to endure.

Back in the kitchen Karen tells you to hurry up and eat the food. Reluctant at first, you take the food and eat it. Then you pass out because it's so bad.

You'll wake up in the Hospital. Doc asks if you're all right, then asks Karen what might of caused you to pass out. Karen thinks you might of just been tired but Doctor doesn't think that's the reason for your trip to his office. Karen doesn't realize her food is the cause and tells you to remember to breathe the next time you eat!