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Personal Info: Ann works and lives at the Inn with her dad, Doug. Ann is very tough for a girl and loves to be outdoors and work and cook. She will often win the cooking festival.

B-Day: Summer 17th

Locations: At the Inn most of the day. She can be found at the spring in the morning. Then she will be upstairs in one of the rooms cleaning. In the late afternoon and evening she will be working in the restaurant area.

Favorite Gifts: Egg dishes, Rice cakes, Diamonds, Perfume, Milk

Special Gifts: Truffle Rice, Cake, Cheese Fondu, Pancakes

Competition: Cliff

Heart Events:

Black: Go to the Inn between 10:40am and 1pm. Ann and her dad are greeting people as they come in the front door. Ann notices that you've come to pay them a visit and asks if you would like a meal. You automatically agree, Ann asks if you would wait a little bit and then says they're going to have a feast! After she says that it she remembers to ask her dad if it's all right. Doug says you're a special guest so it's all good. Ann is happy and asks you to confirm if you would like to eat with them. Select that you would like to eat (option 1). Ann is happy so Doug says he's going to organize some awesome food for them. Ann says her dad's cooking is very good. Soon Doug happily returns with the food and you scarf it down. Ann and Doug both ask if you thought it was good, which it was. Doug laughs and asks if it's hard to resist second helpings, then he and Ann both giggle. After the meal is done, Ann sees that her dad is feeling pretty good. Doug says he likes to make things, then says you should come and meet with Ann more often! Then Ann becomes embarrassed.

Purple: Go up to the second floor of the Inn between 10am and 1pm on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. You'll find Ann, who is practicing her singing. Enter the room and she'll be startled, unaware that anyone was listening to her. It turns out that Ann was really cleaning and she asks if you like to clean too. If you tell her you like cleaning, she'll be happy.

Blue: Go to the Inn on Monday or Friday between 12pm and 7pm, you'll find Ann and her Dad talking. Doug asks Ann whats wrong but she replies that she's alright. Doug knows something is wrong because her face is pale. Ann starts complaining about stomach pains and Doug gets worried. You walk in and Doug is grateful for you showing up. He asks what he should do, so tell him to take her to the Clinic. At the Hospital Ann is feeling much better. The doctor said that she had something bad to eat. When Doug asks Ann what she ate, she tells him nervously that she ate a Stir Fry, Omelette Rice, Savory Pancake, AND Tempura. She's not done though and admits she also ate some Cheesecake, Apple Pie, Cookies, Ice Cream, and some Pumpkin Pudding! No wonder she has a stomach ache! Doug gets mad at her for eating so much food and Elli tells her not to eat so much. Back at the Inn Ann says she's sorry for making a mess of things. To thank you she gives you her favorite broken music box.

Yellow: Go to the Inn on Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday between 10am and 7pm. Doug will welcome you and then says he has something to discuss with you. He says it's been difficult to raise Ann since her mother died and he's tried his best. Doug asks if you "like" Ann. If you tell him you do (option 1) he'll be happy. Ann will then walk in and ask what the two of you are doing. Doug acts all innocent until she walks up next to you, then he start acting cheerfull. Ann won't be fooled by her father and knows he's talking about her with you. She gets mad at him and runs off. Doug nervously laughs.


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