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Ellen is the brown-haired girl who lives at the restaurant with her parents.  
She visits the ranch on the second day and gives you the dog.  Ellen loves 
animals and is often found hanging around the livestock dealer's shop, which 
is owned by her uncle.  Ellen's father is the town drunk, and Ellen worries 
relentlessly about him.  She is also an excellent baker, probably due to her 
employment at the restaurant.  Despite her somewhat tomboyish appearance, 
Ellen is one of the more feminine and domesticated girls in the game.  In case 
you're curious, she does let her hair down after getting married.  Ellen can 
be found in front of the livestock dealer's shop during the week, behind the 
shop on Saturdays, and in church on Sundays.


SPRING, WEEKDAYS – In front of livestock dealer
"Hey, do you like animals?"
 > "I love them"             +8 affection
 > "I don't like them"       +2 affection

FALL, WEEKDAYS – In front of livestock dealer
"Hey, do you like sweets?"
 > "I love them"             +8 affection
 > "Not really"              +2 affection

ALL SEASON, SATURDAYS – Behind livestock dealer
"My uncle liked you.  Please make friends with him.  OK?"
 > "OK"                      +8 affection
 > "No"                      +2 affection

ALL SEASONS, SATURDAYS – Behind livestock dealer (affection score is 150-200)
"Hey, I baked a new cake.  Will you have a bite?"
 > "Yes"                     +10 affection
 > "No"                      +2 affection

The table below shows the impact of gifts at specific locations.  Despite many 
tips telling you to try it, Ellen's affection score cannot be raised when she 
is at the bar at night.

                        Single         Single         Single          Wife
Gift                  Location 1     Location 2     Location 3     Location 4
----                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Cake                      0              0              0              6
Flower                    5              0              0              6

Turnip                    6              5              0              6
Potato                    6              5              0              6
Tomato                    6              5              0              6
Corn                      6              5              0              6

Egg                       8              8              0              4
Small Milk                8              8              0              4
Medium Milk               8              8              0              4
Large Milk                8              8              0              4

Wild Grapes               6              5              0              6
Tropical Fruit            6              5              0              6
Mushroom                  6              5              0              6

Fish                      6              5              0              6
Cave Herb                 0              0              0              0
Fodder                    0              0              0              0
Weeds                    -4             -2              0             -4
P. Mushroom              -8             -8              0             -8
Fullmoon Berry            6              5              0              6

Location 1 = In front of livestock dealer or in front room of restaurant
Location 2 = Behind livestock deal
Location 3 = Bar at night or back room of restaurant
Location 4 = Inside Jack's house or outside barn

The following table shows the impact of certain events if Ellen is single or 
your wife.  Note that AS stands for Affection Score.

Event                                     Single       Wife
-----                                     ------       ----
Flower Festival*
Talk (AS is 0-100)                          8           8
Talk (AS is 101-150)                       12          12
Talk (AS is 151-300)                       12          12
Talk (AS is 300+)                          15          15
Dance                                      30          30

Give Perfume
Rose Perfume                               15          15
Lilac Perfume                               8           8
Violet Perfume                              6           6

Harvest Festival
"Yes" to request                            8           8
"No" to request                             2           2
Dance                                      30          30

Egg Festival
Talk after contest                         10          10

Star Night Festival
Visit location                             30          30

New Year's Festival
Talk                                       NA          NA

Special Event                              50          NA

Married Events
Go to bed with wife                        NA           2
Go to bed before wife                      NA           0
Come home when wife is asleep              NA          -2
Wife comes home after leaving              NA         100
Stay with wife during birth                NA          50
Visit another girl during Star Night       NA         -30

* If you are married to Eve, Ellen's affection score is increased 
   by 4 each time you speak with her.  This can be repeated infinitely.

This event occurs once you have an affection score of 200 (or 4 hearts in the 
diary).  It will only occur while you are still single.

Ellen will come to your farm and tell you that P-Chan, her pet bird, is 
missing.  The bird can be found near the fishing pond on the mountain.  
Approach it and press the A-button, then Ellen will appear.  She decides to 
let P-Chan free, but is happy that you found him.  The day ends immediately 
after the bird is found, so make sure to do all your chores first.  You can 
still experience this event at night.

Ellen will be at the Public Square and has the following messages based on her 
affection score or if she is your wife.

Affection Score is:
- 0-200:   Ellen feels like she's floating when she closes her eyes.
- 201-300: Ellen prays for everyone's health and... a secret.
- 300+:    Ellen realizes how improbable it is to find the right person and
           is thankful she has you.
- Married: Ellen wonders if the stars will still shine when you become old.