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~Chirs & Samantha's Discussion[Scene.2]- they talk about their kids. Go to Dr. Hardy's house and come out in the Spring of Chap 2+, they also have another discussion in chap. 3.... it's the same way to unlock it -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Daryl Events [Scene.3]- Tries to catch Mukumuku 1-4... Gives you seed maker.Enter his house after you became friends with him. Looks inside your window and looks at your child, 1-5 scenes When it's raining, go inside his house -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Dr. Hardy Events [Scene.4]- You collaspe in his house (any day chap. 2) and he helps you out... Also gives you the weird sickle (becomes very good friends with him) enter his house and he'll give you the sickle. Go to the forest around 11 P.M. and you'll see him talking to Mukumuku and tell's him how he got his eye. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Flora Events [Scene.5]- talks to a racoon and tells him that it's a beautiful day. (Go to the big site around 11 A.M. When the Professer isn't there) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Grant Events [Scene.6]- Late at night (around 6), come out of your house, he'll say he got his promotion and he's gonna drink all night.. Also gives you the alarm clock... enter his house around 5 A.M. and he'll give it to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nina Events [Scene.7]- races a turtle (Chap. 1)(Enter Gustafa's house [in the moring] and get out, and you'll see her race a turtle) Races Huge (Chap. 1)(Enter the Bar [around 10 A.M.], and get out, and you'll see her race Huge) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Galen Events [Scene.8]- Gives you Fishing Rod G (Chap. 2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Murrey Events [Scene.9]- Enter your Food Storeage room (at night) and you'll see him steal the food you stored 1. Er... Give it back 2. You can keep it Pick #1- he'll give it back to you and he'll come out of the room with a "Grr~" Pick #2- he'll come back for more... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Romana Events [Scene10]- Become good friends with her to get the cat and the watering can M. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Ruby Events [Scene11]- Gives you Ruby's spice. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Sebastion Events [Scene12]- Come into his bed room and you see a picture and he asks you if you know who that is... there are 4 choices (I think) Pick #1- Romana at Lumina's age Pick #2- Lumina Pick #3- A younger Lumina Pick #4- I don't know (I'm not exactly sure if that's what the choices are...) pick #1 and he tells you that he always liked Romana and told you keep it a "secert" XD... You say yes (even if you don't want to :-/) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Takakura Events [Scene13]- Tartan (chap.2+) go to his house around 5 P.M.- 10 P.M. (If you buy/sell something [using the Food Storeage room] then he'll stay on the farm, follow him until he goes into his house. It's alot easier than waiting all day...) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Van Events [Scene14]- Mankins Diet 1-5 Pick #1 to make him sad (and harder to haggle with) Pick #2 to make him happy... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Nami Events [Scene15]- *coming soon* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Celia Events [Scene16]- *coming soon* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Lumina Events [Scene17]- Gives you a music sheet, talks to Rock about her parents (chap.1), goes with Rock to the beach (chap. 1), Leaves Rock and goes home (see Rock cutsences), go to her house while she's playing the piano, around 10 A.M (I'm not sure what happens here because I either forgot or never got it.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gustafa Events (If you don't marry him) [Scene18]- Gives you strange sickle (becomes very good friends with him)... Also gets the drums *If you marry Gustafa, you get your sickle from Cody*. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Muffy Events [Scene19]- She got dumped by a guy that cheated on her, she got dumped by a married man, she got dumped by a guy younger than her, she got dumped by a that had a girlfriend and wanted to be friends, after she tells you that, Griffin comes up and asks if shes ok and she says yes and leaves with him (love connention?). Notice a patteren? XD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -~-Other Scenes-~- [Other.1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *COPIED RIGHT FROM A EMAIL* jmen71 writes- Unfortunately I waited late in the game to write stuff down, but here's what I got. As far as my game, I managed to marry Marlin and my son is NOT depressed. He is one happy little creep. :P I also included a funny scene with the professor and Flora. Enjoy! :) Spring, beginning of year 3 Enter your house around 9pm to find Marlin arguing with your son. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Spring, year 3, day 8 at 8am go to Cody's place to see an interaction between Cody and Nami. Nami is telling Cody she wants to see his artwork, but he thinks too much. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring, year 3, day 10 Enter the bar at 11pm and Griffin plays the guitar for you. ------------------------------------------------------------ Spring, year 4, day 4 Prof: Come to me my love. I know how you feel. Sorry I made you wait so long. Flora: Is it ok? Professor: Yes, come my love. Flora runs to the professor and he falls in the waterfall. Flora: Professor… Flora gives you the necklace if you befriend her on this year. *END* There's a scene when you put too much fertilizer on ONE crop. Something (I think it's a groundhog) comes up to tell you that this ONE crop doesn't need anymore fertilizer. *Thanks Satinfairy!* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -~-Child Cutscenes-~- [Scenes1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *COPIED RIGHT FROM AN EMAIL* donnastarfox writes- Go into your kitchen at around 6-7pm while your child is inside. If you hit it just right, the cutscene will be triggered and he will come up to you and ask if he can take a bath. I'm not sure if it has to do with affection or not, but the text "A Few Days Later" will appear on screen and he will get a frustrated squiggle over his head. I'm not really sure if he gets mad every time, but he has with me about three times. This does not seem to affect his affection rating much, and if you snuggle him a little he'll act like it never happened. *END* *COPIED RIGHT FROM AN EMAIL* kittybookp writes- If as a toddler you take Rock's child out past 9, Rock will go looking for him. If this is the first time, (I don't know if it happens other times after that) The Toddler will not listen to Rock's lecture. Then he will put the toddler to bed and get mad at you.