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Crops and tree's
Names [Crops.2]
~2nd generation crops [Crops.3]

2nd generation crops might be the same as "A Wondeful Life"... I have 
NOT tried it yet but I will soon.

NOTE: The same trick with getting "S" rank fruit seeds works in this 
one as well. You give Tartan a fruit in the first slot and a "S" rank 
crop seed in the second slot and you get back a "S" rank fruit seed.

NOTE 2: Tartan does NOT LIKE carrots at all, and that will mess up 
some of the hyrbidizations, and will freak out if you give them to 
him to examine.

NOTE 3: If you give Tartan carrot seeds you will have better luck.

* Glitch, 2 different Tradys, should be Tomaca, but now 2 Tradys

|Crop 1    |   Crop 2    |   Name     |  Seasons    |
|          | Strawberry  | Berrytoma  | Spring-Fall |
|          | Watermelon  | Gretoma    | Spring-Fall |
|          | Melon       | Melotoma   | Spring-Fall |
| Tomato   | Potato      | Tobatama   | Spring-Fall |
|          | Turnip      | Trady (1)  | Spring-Fall |
|          | Carrot      | Trady (2)  | Spring-Fall |
|          | Yam         | Yamato     | Spring-Fall |
|__________________________________________________ |
|          | Potato      | Bashber    |Spring-Summer|        
|          | Strawberry  | Berryber   |Spring-Summer|
|Watermelon| Carrot      | Cabber     |Spring-Summer|
|          | Yam         | Kashry     |Spring-Summer| 
|          | Melon       | Melober    |Spring-Summer|
|          | Turnip      | Raury      |Spring-Summer|
|          | Yam         | Berrican   | Fall-Spring |
|          | Carrot      | Caberry    | Fall-Spring |
|Strawberry| Turnip      | Dhibe      | Fall-Spring |
|          | Potato      | Paberyta   | Fall-Spring |
|          | Melon       | Berrylon   | Fall-Spring |
|Potato    | Yam         | Bashota    |Winter-Summer| 
|          | Carrot      | Tataro     |Winter-Summer|
|          | Carrot      | Camelo     | Summer-Fall |
|Melon     | Turnip      | Dhilon     | Summer-Fall |
|          | Potato      | Potamelo   | Summer-Fall |
|          | Yam         | Sholo      | Summer-Fall |
|          | Carrot      | Cady       |Winter-Summer|
|Turnip    | Yam         | Kandy      |Winter-Summer|
|          | Potato      | Radita     |Winter-Summer|
|Carrot    | Yam         | Kanro      | Summer-Fall |
-Tree List
         |         |         |        |
 Crop 1  | Crop 2  | Hybrid  | Season |
 Apple   | Orange  | Oraphu  | Spring |
 Apple   | Peach   | Phurum  |  Fall  |
 Banana  | Apple   | Appage  |  Fall  |
 Banana  | Grape   | Gehju   |  Fall  |
 Banana  | Peach   | Magerum | Winter |
 Grape   | Peach   | Jurum   |  Fall  |
 Orange  | Banana  | Magenge | Winter |
 Orange  | Grape   | Orahge  | Summer |
 Peach   | Orange  | Lanmuge |  Fall  |

~Prices [Crops.4]
    Name          Price  
  Apple      |     25 G     |
  Banana     |     35 G     |
  Carrot     |     45 G     |
  Grape      |     35 G     |
  Melon      |     50 G     |
  Orange     |     30 G     |
  Peach      |     40 G     |
  Potato     |     55 G     |
  Strawberry |     35 G     |
  Tomato     |     35 G     |
  Turnip     |     25 G     |
  Watermelon |     65 G     |
  Yam        |     70 G     |

~Seed Prices [Crops.5]
*COMING SOON: More Seed Prices*
Watermelon Seed- 27 G
Strawberry Seed- 13 G
Carrot Seed- 13 G