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Lives- In the Inn on the second floor across from Nami, wakes up at 12P.M. and leaves the house around 1P.M. What he does- nothing... Walks around town, goes to the bar Rival- Lumina After your marriage- wakes up at 6 A.M. goes to bed around 10 P.M. Likes- Mist Moon Flowers, Toy Flowers, Fodder, Coins, Statues, Light Pickles, Tomamelo Salad Dislikes- Goat Milk, Failed Recipe Dishes. Diary- Located in his room at the Inn. Heart cutsences- [Heart.3] /~\1 RED heart- An Outing How to trigger:Spring, walk in front of the Inn... He'll be flirting with Lumina (asking her to go with him to a really cool place), she leaves him alone and spots you so he starts talking to you and asks you to go to the swamp with him because he doen't have any money 1. Go home 2. Are you hitting on me? Pick #1 and he'll say, do I seem that type of guy? 1. Yes! Good Bye 2. What do you want? He'll say that there isn't anything interesting to do so he asks you if you wanna go to the swamp... he takes you to the swamp, and the tutle looks dead so Rock says that it's Hugh's fault it dead and after a littl while, the tutle moves to the beach, you run after it, then Rock runs after you /~\2 RED hearts/~\- "Super Rock Vs. Crusher the ordinary average dog" How to trigger:Summer, walk out of your house late afternoon your dog will be barking at rock because he's sleepying next to your not fertile soil... you come out, Rock notices you and asks you what your doing here... 1. What are YOU doing here? 2. Get outta here Pick #1 and Rock will tell you a story 1. Tell me! 2. No thanks Pick #1 and he'll tell you the whole story... 1. Listen 2. Don't Listen (it's a long story) /~\3 RED hearts/~\- To Work, Or Not To Work How to trigger:Fall, leave your farm late morning... you'll see Rock asleep near the river (where the benchs are) then he'll ask you if you like afternoon naps 1. Not really 2. Heavens no! Pick #1 and he'll look a bit sad... He gets up and starts wondering about the good parts about working.... He says, you get money from it... then he asks if taking mid-day naps is fulfulling to you 1. Sure 2. You're a real piece of work Pick #1 and he'll be happy that you feel the same way... and he wishes that you'd forget everything and live a life of relaxtion... 1. Yep 2. Moron Pick #1 and he'll be happy and glad that you heard him out.... /~\4 RED hearts/~\- Thinking of Marriage How to trigger:Fall or Winter around 7P.M.... you see Ruby and Tim talking... they notice you and Ruby asks you a question, can I talk to you? 1. Sure 2. I'm a little busy right now Pick #1 and she'll continue with her story... Rock enters and says that he's going out 1. Follow 2. Don't follow Pick #1 and Rock tells you he heard what his mother said... 1. It sure would 2. Not so fast Mr. Ego Picking #1 will make Rock happy