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~Gustafa~ [Guys.02]

Lives- In his yurt next to the beach, usually wakes up around
7-8 A.M. on some days or 10-11 A.M. some days...
What he does- Walk around town looking for ideas for songs... or sits
next to his house playing his guitar
Rival- Nami

After your marriage- wakes up at 6 A.M. goes to bed around 10 P.M.
Likes- Flowers, Normal milk, things from the ruins
Dislikes- Mugwort, Tomatoes
Diary- Located on the couch in the back of his yurt

Heart cutsences- [Heart.1]

/~\1 RED Heart/~\- Peaceful Days
How to trigger: Spring sunny day, come out of your farm, and you'll
see Gustafa play his guitar... He'll ask if you have
time to talk...

1. Sure
2. No

Pick 1 and he'll tell you what a beautiful day it is

1. No it isn't
2. Yeah it is

Pick 2 and he'll be happy and give you a song

1. Listen
2. Don't Listen

Pick 1 and he'll play part 1 of his song (his songs are FUNNY)

/~\2 RED hearts/~\- A Conversation
How to trigger: Summer. Walk into his yurt. He'll be walking around
asking himself what is he goning to do today... He'll
notice you and he asks if you came on your free time

1. Yes
2. No

Pick 1 and he'll become happy welcoming you inside... He tells you
that all he does is go outside, play his guitar, and
singing songs... he'll ask if you have time to talk

1. Yes
2. No

Pick 1 and he'll tell you how much instruments put him at ease...
He'll ask if you like this place.

1. No, I don't like it
2. Yes!

Pick 2 and he'll be happy to hear you like it too... He'll give you
part 2 of his song...

/~\3 RED hearts/~\- The Walk
How to trigger: Fall, come out of your house. He'll go to your farm
and asks you if it was ok for him to walk on your
property... You automatically nodd your head yes, and he'll get
happy... After that, He'll ask you to go on a walk,

1. Sure
2. Sorry don't have time

Pick one and he'll tell you that you're going to the waterfall (a
place that relaxes hime)... He'll ask you if you find it relaxing also

1. Yes I do
2. No I don't

Pick 1 and he'll ask if it's ok to play part 3 of his song

1. Yes
2. No

After the song, he'll give you a mist moon (flower)

/~\4 RED hearts/~\- Stargazers

How to trigger: Fall or Winter, come out of the Inn. You see Gustafa
going to the bar, so you follow him. Muffy asks Griffen
what he wants to do after work... Griffen says he doesn't know...
Gustafa gets an idea and asks you to go stargazing with him

1. Sure
2. No

Pick #1 and Gustafa will be standing next to the Inn, looking at the
night sky... Gustafa asks you if you think it's nice, you
nod your head yes... Then he'll tell you that he can tell anyone
anything right now...

1. I have no interest
2. Think of something

Pick #2 and Gustafa plays the last part of his song for you..