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~Buildings~ [Farm.02] Milking room- 60,000. Milks your Cows if you forgot to (Your cow you go into the room by itself. It's magic!) Barn- Animals. Sheep, Cow, Horse, Goat will stay here. Chicken Coop- Chickens and Ducks will stay here. This is where you should put them when the weather is bad (raining or snowing) Chicken Yard- 10,000. Where you can put your chickens so you don't have to look for them when it's time to put them inside the Chicken Coop. Pond- 2,500. Gets ducks in chap. 2. Cows drink from it. Fields- To plant crops and trees Tool Shed- Where your tools are kept. Seed Maker is also kept there. The calf hutch and the cage thing for isolating your cow is also there. When you first start the game, You can go there to pick up 2 tomato seeds to get started (go to the shelf). Your house- Where you and your husband live. You get to fix it up in Chapter 2 (because you get married.) You also fix it up over a couple of chapters. When your son gets older, you make a room for him. Tak's house- Where you meet and greet Tartan and you also get 2 maybe 3 cooking instructions. Food Processing Room- 30,000. Makes cheese and butter used for food and selling Storage Room- Where your ledger is. Also used for storing and selling.