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About the game
Another Wonderful Life is just like A Wonderful Life but with a couple of COMPLETELY different things! The first one and most noticeable is that your character is a GIRL! You get to train your dog (more on that a little later) and find out if your animals (cows, horse, sheep, goat, chickens) are sick and how much they love you. You can also find out how much your husband loves you, and what your child is instresed in (chapter 2)... 1 game minute= 1 real second 1 game hour= 1 real minute 1 game day= 24 real minutes In the game you HAVE to sleep (just like you do in real life). You sleep for 6+ hours but it seems like 5 seconds to you... (When you get your Alarm Clock [Chapter 2] you can set the time and you can sleep WHENEVER you want and wake up at the time you set [Sets at 1 o'clock, sleeps at 4 P.M. wakes up at 1 A.M.] The game takes longer because you talk to the townsfolk, train your dog (time STOPS when you train your dog... But it DOESN'T stop when you play with your child o_0) ST= Strength (Eat/sleep to make it better, eat an Bodigizer or a Bodyhyper [not sure which one >_<]) SP= Sprit (Sleep to make it bigger) AP= Appetite (Eat to make it bigger [to tell when your hungry, your charater will stop ANYTHING she is doing {unless your 'BOUT to catch a fish, when you hit "A" because you felt the rumble [i], or on your horse} and it'll say "GRRR~")