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Getting Married
In Friends of Mineral Town the game will not end if you dont get married but one of the games features includes marriage so you might as well get married/ You can choose to marry 6 different girls: Ann, Elli, The Harvest Goddess, Karen, Mary, or Popuri. Once you get married you can't divorce them. But before you can get married there are some requirements you have to complete first. House and Big Bed - Before you can get married you must get Gotz the woodcutter to upgrade your house twice. Also watch the shopping Network channel every saturday and buy all the items. Once your house is big enough the Big Bed will come available to buy for 10,000G Red Heart - For the girl you have selected to marry. She must first be at a red heart. To get her to this level you must give her gifts she likes and talk to her everyday. To see what each of the individual girls like and dislike see the girls section. Buy the Blue Feather - Once the girl you are going after reaches the orange heart level the Blue Feather will become available at the supermarket. But do not try to propose until they are at a RED heart.Also you MUST have an empty slot in your rucksack before you can buy the Blue Feather. And lastly you must see all 4 Heart Events - You must activate her four heart events before she'll accept the Blue Feather. The heart events can trigger after you reached the black, purple, blue, and yellow heart colors. The events also aren't restricted to happening only at that color; you can still see the black event even if her heart color is yellow. After you have met all these requirements you can show the blue feather to the girl of your choice. There will be a cutscene and then you will be married one week later. So plan carefully when your going to propose because you don't want it to land on a festival day!
Click here to see the changes in your daily life now that your married(festival changes, birthdays,etc) If you dont talk to your wife for 10 straight days this will happen

Having a child: When you have been married for about a season, and you have kept her at a RED heart, your wife will wake up one morning complaining that she doesn't feel well. Offer to take her to the clinic and the Doctor will say that your going to be parents. After that another 60 days [2 seasons] later your child will be born.
See below:

There is also an event that can be triggered another 60 days after the birth of your child. (seen at the end of the video above) One morning you will wake up and your wife will say that he fell out of bed. Make sure to take him to the clinic. After that your son will be crawling around by himself and you'll be able to give him gifts now.