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Ann is red-haired girl who lives in the tool shop.  Ann loves working on 
machines and creating new inventions, although she never seems to have much 
success.  Her mother passed away and she is raised by her father, who often 
wonders if Ann's hobbies will prevent her from finding a husband.  Ann is not 
a very good cook, although she tries her best.  She is probably the most 
tomboyish of any eligible girl.  Ann can be found inside the tool shop during 
the week, in front of the tool shop on Saturday, and in church on Sunday.


SUMMER, WEEKDAYS – In tool shop
"It'll be showcased at the shop one of these days so please try it"
 > "Hum"                 +8 affection
 > "I don't want it"     +2 affection

WINTER, WEEKDAYS – In tool shop
"Aren't I acting like a girl?"
 > "No, not at all"      +8 affection
 > "Not that bad"        +2 affection

"Ho hum... it's boring, isn't it?"
 > "Yes"                 +4 affection
 > "Not really"          +1 affection

ALL SEASONS, SATURDAYS – In front of tool shop (affection score is 150-200)
"Hello!  Hey, look at this!  This is the automatic pudding maker!  I've put 
eggs and milk in here.  Now all you have to do is turn it on.  Do it!"
 > "Push"                +10 affection
 > "I don't want to"     +2 affection

The table below shows the impact of gifts when at specific locations.  The 
locations are defined below and are different for each girl.  Ann is the only 
girl who has two different gift value sets when married.  Also, Ann develops a 
peculiar indifference to mushrooms when married, despite liking them when 

                        Single         Single         Wife           Wife
Gift                  Location 1     Location 2     Location 3     Location 4
----                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------
Cake                      6              5              8              5
Flower                    2              2              8              8

Turnip                    6              5              5              5
Potato                    6              5              5              5
Tomato                    6              5              5              5
Corn                      6              5              5              5

Egg                       6              5              5              5
Small Milk                6              5              5              5
Medium Milk               6              5              5              5
Large Milk                6              5              5              5

Wild Grapes               6              5              5              5
Tropical Fruit            6              5              5              5
Mushroom                  6              5              0              0

Fish                      6              5              0              5
Cave Herb                 0              0              0              0
Fodder                    0              0              0              0
Weeds                    -2             -2             -4             -6
P. Mushroom              -8             -8             -8             -6
Fullmoon Berry            6              5              5              5

Location 1 = Front room of tool shop or Ann's bedroom
Location 2 = Outside in front of tool shop or inside church
Location 3 = Inside Jack's house
Location 4 = Inside tool shed

The following table shows the impact of certain events if Ann is single or 
your wife.  Note that AS stands for Affection Score.

Event                                     Single       Wife
-----                                     ------       ----
Flower Festival
Talk (AS is 0-100)                          8           4
Talk (AS is 101-150)                        8           4
Talk (AS is 151-300)                       12           4
Talk (AS is 300+)                          15           4
Dance                                      30          30

Give Perfume
Rose Perfume                                3           3
Lilac Perfume                               6           6
Violet Perfume                             15          15

Harvest Festival
"Yes" to request                            8           8
"No" to request                             2           2
Dance                                      30          30

Egg Festival
Talk after contest                         10          10

Star Night Festival
Visit location                             30          30

New Year's Festival
Talk                                       NA          NA

Special Event                              50          NA

Married Events
Go to bed with wife                        NA           2
Go to bed before wife                      NA           0
Come home when wife is asleep              NA          -2
Wife comes home after leaving              NA         100
Stay with wife during birth                NA          50
Visit another girl during Star Night       NA         -30

This event occurs once you have an affection score of 200 (or 4 hearts in the 
diary).  It will only occur while you are still single.

Ann will come to your ranch and tell you her weathercock (wind vane) is 
missing.  It can be found in your chicken coop, and usually appears in the 
same spot as an egg.  After picking it up, you immediately appear before Ann 
for a quick scene, then the day ends.  Be sure to do all your daily chores 
before retrieving the weathercock.

Ann will be at the Spa and has the following messages based on her affection 
score or if she is your wife.

Affection Score is:
- 0-200:   Ann enjoys watching stars while taking a hot springs bath.
- 201-300: Ann figures you think she's a monkey or something
- 300+:    Ann comments that people don't usually meet at the spa late at
           night and is nervous.  She scolds you for not listening...
- Married: Ann says the springs feel good and are the best spot.