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Supporting Characters

These people are just kind of there in Harvest Moon 64.  They won't become your in-laws and you can't marry them but you will be able to see events with them and do some favors.

1.      Barley- Works at Chinese restaurant

2.      Barleys Wife- Also works there

3.      Carpenters- Workers that work on your house

4.      Dad- He is your father, you see him at the beginning of the game and the third summer when he visits to rate your progress

5.      Duke- Bartender at the bar

6.      Goddess/Imp- both live in water and will grant you gifts/wishes

7.      Greg- Fisherman, gives you fishing rod

8.      Head Carpenter- You go to him to buy extensions

9.      Judge- He judges the cows and vegetables

10.  Kent- Grandson of Potion shop owner brown hair wants to own a farm

11.  Louis- He is the guy you will see in the blue mist butterfly scene that takes your picture, he also might be walking around

12.  May- She is the little girl with brown hair that lives with the midwife

13.  Midwife- Helps your wife give birth

14.  Pastor Brown- He runs the church

15.  Photographer- He takes your pictures

16.  Potion Shop Owner- Sells you various medicines, also Stu and kents grandfather

17.  Random Couples- You will see a kissing couple and old couple at random at times

18.  Rick- An inventor, who is also Ann and gray's cousin.  You can buy things from his shop 4 days a week such as draws, rugs, and the blue feather

19.  Sabiara- He owns the souvenir shop next to Rick.  He only sells a couple things like the ocarina.

20.  Sammy- He sells you things.  Be careful what you buy.

21.  Sprites- Befriend them to unlock extra scenes and they may feed your animals

22.  Stu- Grandson of Potion shop owner, black hair

23.  Three girls- You see them at the horse and dog races, but never around town

24.  Zack- He's the shipper that comes to your house