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Secret Items & Upgrades
There are several special items or tool upgrades that can be found throughout the game. Note that this section does contain SPOILERS, so be forewarned before reading ahead. SPRINKLER The sprinkler is sold at the tool shop beginning on day 20 of the first summer for 2000 G. This is the special item the tool shop owner says he's working on at the start of the season. GOLDEN SICKLE During the summer of year 1, you will hear a loud noise at the ranch one night. The particular night is chosen at random. The carpenter will come by the next morning and tell you to look around. Visit the hollowed out tree and jump into it. You will run into a gnome who asks if you use the sickle. Respond to him affirmatively and he will leave the golden sickle in the barn the next day. If you screw up the response and the gnome does not upgrade the sickle, it will immediately be for sale at the tool shop for 2000 G. GOLDEN AXE During the winter of year 1, you will hear a loud rumbling one night. The carpenter will come to the house the next day and tell you to look around your ranch and the mountain. The quake will have opened the mountain area just north of the entrance that contains a pond and some stumps. Equip the axe and use it directly in front of the pond. The Goddess will then appear holding a golden axe and will ask if it is yours. If you tell the truth and say "No," she will let you keep the golden axe. If you say yes, she does not give the upgrade. She will never reappear after this conversation, regardless of your choice. If you screw up the scene and miss the golden axe, it will immediately be put up for sale at the tool shop for 200 G. GOLDEN HAMMER Some time in the winter in year 1, one of the carpenters will drop by and ask to borrow your hammer. If you allow him to, he will place the golden hammer in the shed the next morning. If you do not let him borrow it, the golden hammer will immediately be placed for sale at the tool shop. GOLDEN HOE During the fall of either year 1 or year 2, you will find an injured gnome by the shipping bin who requests something to eat. If you bring him a mushroom from the mountain, he will give you the golden hoe the next day. This event is rather odd in that there does not seem to be any way of knowing in which year it will occur. The golden hoe is obviously much more useful if you get it in year 1, but I have not found any trigger and assume the game determines its occurrence randomly. In my experience, this event has always occurred on day 2 of the season, although I am not 100% sure that it always happens on this day. SNOW GEM Also called the Seed of the Snow Flower, this item can be purchased from the peddler at the Flower Festival for 2000 G. Plant the seed just below the northernmost part of the mountain summit during the winter. The seed will immediately sprout into a flower and free a fairy, who gives you a Power Berry. You should be able to plant the seed on any day of the season, although it does refuse to grow in some instances. I have tested this thoroughly and cannot attribute it to any in-game event, so I assume it is a bug. If this happens, just try to plant the seed again the next day. That will usually work. MAGIC BEANS These beans are acquired by trading a cow with the hawker. To make this trade, visit the livestock dealer in any season during years 2 or 3 and tell him you want to sell a cow. When you return to the ranch, the Hawker should show up and offer to make the deal. The Magic Beans can be planted on the mountain summit just below the northernmost point of the screen. These beans MUST BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING. I emphasize this because it is crucial information that most sources omit. It also does not matter which day you plant the beans (does not need to be Sunday), which is another commonly repeated error. Once planted, the seeds sprout slightly. Leave the screen and return to find a giant beanstalk. Climb the beanstalk and you will come out at a room in the clouds with a golden chicken. Tell the chicken you work hard when it asks, and you will receive the Golden Egg. After exiting the screen (and regardless of the day), you immediately appear before the peddler who pays you 10,000 G for the egg. CLOCK The clock is a special item that you receive from the carpenters if you upgrade your house once before the end of the first summer. The clock is physically placed on the table in your house, but it also lets you see the time on the menu screen each time you press the Select button. This comes in very handy when trying to be at the ranch before 5pm or making sure you arrive at festivals before 3pm. TURTLE SHELL The Turtle Shell is one of the prizes you receive from winning the egg hunt. Whether you receive this or a Power Berry as prize is determined at random, but you will definitely receive it in the second year if you miss it the first. It looks like a purple hump and is placed on the table in your house. The Turtle Shell supposedly protects from disasters, but it will not prevent hurricanes from occurring in the subsequent summer seasons or even reduce their damage. In all likelihood, this item is purely decorative. It does, however, contribute to your score at the end. MONEY TREE Once you have 30,000 G or more for the first time after year 2 begins, the Hawker will appear on your ranch and offer to sell a "Money" Tree. He can appear as early as day 2 of the second spring. If you pay him, the Hawker plants a the tree right in front of the cow barn. The tree appears the next day and is obviously not a money tree. It is, however, a tree of cow bells. If you face the tree and press the A button, it will ring the bells and recall any cows that you have outside to the barn. It does not work perfectly, but it does seem more effective than the cow bell tool. Since you shouldn't be keeping cows outside, this item is mostly decorative. There is no real benefit to buying it and no penalty if you decline, so it's up to you. If you do decline the Hawker's offer, there is no way to ever get this item. GOLDEN EGG This is probably the rarest item in the game. See the Magic Beans description above for information on how to obtain it. The egg has no use other than being sold for 10,000 G. Note that there is no penalty at all if you never acquire this item. It has no effect on the ending or any score, so it is purely for amusement. Do not feel compelled or obligated to try to obtain it.