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House Upgrades

You can upgrade your house twice in the game. In addition to looking nicer and improving happiness, house upgrades are required for marriage and a family. You upgrade your house by speaking to the carpenter in the mountain. The carpenter's house can be found just south of the fishing pond. Upgrading your house requires both money and wood, and the upgrades are completed 3 days after the carpenters begin work (or 4 days after you pay them). Here are the costs of the upgrades:

Upgrade Money Wood ------- ----- ---- House Upgrade 1 5,000 250 House Upgrade 2 10,000 750

The first upgrade widens your house a little bit, but the changes are not significant. This renovation is required before you can get married. The second upgrade adds a new wing to your house where the beds are now placed. You receive an additional bed and a baby cradle. Outside, your house now receives a porch. This second upgrade is required before you can have children. Once your house has been upgraded twice, you can paint it. Paint will be for sale at the tool shop as soon as the second addition is complete. Paint increases happiness and stops your wife from nagging, but is purely for aesthetic value otherwise. To earn extra wood for the upgrades, you can chop the tree stumps on the mountain. Each time you exit and re-enter the screen, the stumps will reappear and can be cut repeatedly. It is recommended that you chop these trees at night. Finally, when you first speak to the carpenters, one of them tells you that you will a special gift if you upgrade your house before the end of the first summer. It is worth trying to meet this target to earn the reward.