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There are three main locations where most of this game takes place: the Ranch, the Town, and the Mountain. Below are maps and descriptions of each area, along with several other key areas on your ranch. ===== RANCH ===== The ranch is where you will spend most of your time. The primary activities include farming and maintaining livestock. Note that this is just the fenced off area of the ranch. The ranch extends beyond this map and contains several other structures (trees and well) that are important later on in the game.

o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o | RANCH MAP | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o | | | | | ################################# | | # ================---- ############################### | | # = =||||| ============ # | | # = ________ =____| ======== ____ ========= # | | # =/-------- = E _______ / ________ # | | # =| D _ | = __ /-------( { } )/-------- # | | # |____|_|_| = |__|| G ||____/|| I | # | | # . ===== |--|| _ || || _ | # | | # . F |___|_|_|| H ||_|_|____| # | | # . . |______| . # | | # .......................................... # | | # . . # | | ############## ### . ________ # | | | # ___ . /-------- # | | |A C # |(_)| . | J | # | | | __ # |_|_| . | _ | # | | | |[]|# . |____|_|_| # | | #### B |__|# ............ ###### | | # ################################################### | | ####### | | | o-----------------------------------------------------------------------o Location Purpose --------- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to farm B: Shipping area Place livestock here to sell it C: Shipping bin Place crops/fruit/fish here to sell them D: House Live/sleep here (see additional map below) E: Wood shed Wood storage; get additional fence pieces from here F: Horse stable Horse stays here once found G: Cow barn Houses your cows H: Grass silo Stores fodder; sign shows current fodder count I: Chicken coop Houses your chickens J: Tool shed Stores your tools ==== TOWN ==== The town is where you buy items and socialize. Most festival are held here, and your future wife lives here. You will spend a decent amount of time at the town, and it is important to be familiar with all the locations. o------------------------------------------------

------------------------o | TOWN MAP | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o | ______________ + + + # | | ==/--------------== ___|___ + + # ``````````` | | = | E | = / + + # ``````````` | | = | / __ / | = ### / / + ...... | | = | _|..|_ | = # | D __ | # . _________ | | = |___| .. |___| = # |__|..|___| # . /--------- | | = .. = # .. #### . | C _ | | | =========..========= # .. ```# . |___|.|___| | | .. ####### .. ############ . ``` . ``` | | .................................................................... | | . .... .... . | | . |------------|....|--------|....|-------------| . | | . | | _____ . | | . | |~~| | | & | . | | . | |~~| | | | B . | | . | |~~| | |_____| ...A | . | | . | | . - F - . | | ... |````| ................... | | . - |````| - _________ . | | . | | /--------- . | | . | | | K _ | ## . | | . | | |___| |___| # . | | . | | # . | | . | |################ . | | . |------------------|......|-------------------| . | | . ...... . | | .................................................................... | | . ################## . | | . _________ _________ _________ # _______ # . | | . /--------- /--------- /--------- # /------- # . | | . | G _ | | H _ | | I _ | # | J _ | # . | | . |___|.|___| |___|.|___| |___|.|___| # |__|.|__| # . | | . . . . ###-#######.###### . | | .................................................................... | | | o------------------------------------------------------------------------o Location Purpose -------- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to town B: Peddler Mat Peddler appears here on Sundays C: Flower Shop Buy seeds and grass; Nina lives here D: Church Services held Sundays E: Mayor's House Mayor, his wife, and Maria live here F: Town Square Festivals are held here; people socialize on Saturdays G: Bar Open at night; Eve works/lives here H: Restaurant Sells cake; Ellen lives here I: Tool Shop Sells tools; Ann lives here J: Livestock Dealer Buy/sell cows and chickens; buy livestock items K: Fortuneteller Receive advice on dating and marriage

======== MOUNTAIN ======== The mountain is the embodiment of nature. It is meant to be a tranquil and relaxing place. You can pick fruit and catch fish from here for money. You can also chop wood for extra materials. The most useful location is probably the hot springs, which restore stamina each time you jump in.

o---------------------------------------------------------------------o | MOUNTAIN MAP | |------------------------------------ ------------------------------| | G | | | |________________ | &&& | |& | | &&&&& __ ______ | |&& |_________________| &&& ||/~~~~~~ | |& &&& F |||~~~~~~| | | &&&&& ______/ | | &&& ___________________________| |____________________________ #| / #|~~~~|#| | #| /__ C #|~~~~|#| | #| #### ##| | _ #| | | |____| |______________ #| | |& E | #| | |&& |______________| &&& | |& &&&&& | |_________________________ &&& &&& | | #|~~~|# |####### B &&&&& | | #|~~~|# |________ &&& &&& | |& @@ &&&&& | |&& D ________@@_____________| &&& &| |& # &&| |########################### A &| o---------------------------- -------------------------------------o Location Purpose -------- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to Mountain B: Carpenters' House Upgrades your house C: Fisherman and Pond Catch fish D: Mysterious Spring Revealed later in the game E: Mountain Cave Collect cave herbs F: Hot Springs Restores stamina G: Path to summit Entrance to mountain summit

============ JACK'S HOUSE ============ Jack's house begins as one room but can be expanded. This is where you save the game and go to sleep at night. There are numerous trinkets and irrelevant items within, so only the useful ones are denoted above. ________________________________ | |___| # ====/ | #|| ___ | | | B C |____|||___|| | | D |_____| |____| o E | | _____ | | | | | | | | | | |_____| | |-------| o | |-------| | | | |______________ A _______________| Item Purpose ---- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to house B: Diary Save game/activate sleep at night C: Calendar Shows current date D: Log Book Shows farm inventory (money, livestock, animals) E: Television Shows the next day's weather ======== COW BARN ======== Cows are kept in the barn. Each cow has its own dedicated stall and feeding bin. Cows only eat from their specific trough, so make sure this is where you place the food. You can take cows outside, but it is strongly recommended that you keep them here. ________________________________ | | | ____ _ _ ____ | | 12 | | | | 6 | | ____|_| |_|____ | | ____ _ _ ____ | | 11 | | | | 5 | | ____|_| |_|____ | | ____ _ _ ____ | | 10 | | | | 4 | | ____|_| |_|____ __| | /--| | D |__| | ____ _ _ ____ | | 9 | | | | 3 | | ____|_| |_|____ | | ____ _ _ ____ | | 8 | | | | 2 | | ____|_| |_|____ | | ____ _ _ ____ | | 7 | | | | 1 | | ____|_| |_|____ | | | | __ _ | |/__B | | C | ||__|__________ A _________|_|___| Item Purpose ---- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to barn B: Shipping Bin Place milk in here C: Pregnancy Stall Pregnant cows rest here; has own feeding bin D: Fodder Chute Take fodder out of here #1-12: Cow Stalls Dedicated cow stalls; feed cows in the bins

============ CHICKEN COOP ============ Chickens are kept in the chicken coop. While you can take them outside, it is strongly advised that you keep them in here. ______________________________ | | | | | | D | | | ========================== | | | |___ | |--- | |___| C | | | | | | ___ ___| |/___ B E ___| ||___|_________ A _____________| Item Purpose ---- ------- A: Entrance Entrance to coop B: Shipping Bin Place eggs in here C: Fodder Chute Take fodder out of here D: Feeding Bin Place fodder here to feed chickens E: Egg Incubator Place egg here to breed chickens