Anthony    17 Jan 2009 : 02:47
 None    Misc

I did some spring cleaning on the forum.

I did some spring cleaning on the forum. Things such as editing topics moving some etc.

These are a few things i want to stress.

1. General chat is General chat please DO NOT post things about Harvest Moon in there. Things that go in there are like whats your favorite tv show? Whats your favorite song? Etc. I added a few of these that people hopefully post in.

2. In posting games there is now two sections, fanclubs & posting games. Fan clubs is just like it sounds you put fan clubs in there or join them. Posting games is well posting games such as character elimination, countdowns, etc.

A couple other things:

1. Fan art and fan fics if you have them send them to me at and I will post them or put them in the fanart/fic submission section on the forum.

2. Screenshots for any hm game, have them? Send them

That is all for now thanks.

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