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Crops and Tree's
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Crops and Trees:

In AWL there are many types of crops you can grow. Many are new to the harvest moon games. Also in AWL the different crops can grow from season to season instead of only in one specific season.

To buy your seeds talk to either Vesta, Marlin or Celia. They will all offer to sell you seeds and fertilizer.

You can only sell your crops to Van when he is in town. But once you get 3rd generation hybrid crops you will be able to sell them through Tak in the Food Storage Building.

Here is a list of the different crop seeds, their prices and what season they grow in

[Selling prices coming soon]


Tomato: 30G -Spring to Fall

Watermelon: 60G -Spring to Summer

Melon: 50G -Summer to Fall

Strawberry: 30G -Fall to Spring

Turnip: 20G -Summer to Winter

Potato: 40G -Winter to Spring

Carrot: 30G -Fall to Winter

Sweet Potato: 40G -Fall Only

Trees: Trees cost a lot more then crops. They take a long time to grow sometimes over a year to be ready to produce fruit. The season before they give fruit they will bloom. Once a tree is full grown you will no longer have to water it. To harvest the fruit from a tree when it is ready, approach the tree and the action button will say ‘shake’ . Your character will shake the tree and fruit will fall to the ground. You may have to shake it multiple times to get everything down. If the fruit is ripe and ready to get harvested and you haven’t shook the tree it will start to fall on its own. Tree seeds can be purchased year round.

Peach: 1120G Summer

Orange: 820G Summer

Grape: 900G Fall

Banana: 1500G Summer

Apple: 820G Fall

Fertilizer: 120G -N/A