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Excavated Items

Excavated Items:

If the Chihuahua is outside it indicates that you will find many good items in the mine

Chapter 1:

Coin :10G

Human Statue: 40G

Moon Ore: 40G

Skull Fossil: 50G

Tablet C: 0G *

Chapter 2:

Silver Coin: 40G

Fossil: 40G

Sugar Ore: 50G

Horse Statue: 70G

Tablet D: 0G*

Chapter 3:

Gold Coin: 50G

Hip Fossil: 60G

Hop Ore: 80G

Jade Ball: 150G

Tablet E: 0G*

Chapter 4:

Strange Fossil: 80G

Temple Ore: 150G

Strange Item: 300G

Tablet F: 0G*

Chapters 5 & 6:

Prosper Ore: 300G

Black Fossil: 400G

Stone Disc: 500G

Tablet G: 0G*

*You will automatically give the tablet to Carter when you exit the Dig Site