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In AWL there are two types of animals you can raise. Pets and Livestock. Some of these animals you can get in special events. Others you must order through Tak


Dog: During one point of the story you will be approached by two dogs. One with the classic floppy ears. And a pointy eared dog. You have to chose between the two. Whichever one you don’t pick Tak says he will find a nice home for the other one, and he will build a dog house for your Dog later.

Make sure to put something in your dogs food-dish everyday as it increases his liking to you. Best things I found to put in there are Colombo Fish as they are very common when you fish and practically worthless.

Bad weather like rain or snow will not affect the dogs affection to you. If your dog is far away from its dog house you can whistle for your dog and he will come to you and go inside the dog house if you are standing next to it when you whistle.

Cat: If you are good friends with Romana she will stop by with a cat for you. It will always be black. She explains that she loves cats but has no more room in her house for it. So she wants to give it to you because she is sure you will take good care of it. The cat stays outside and wont go inside the dog house in bad weather. But the weather doesn’t affect its affection anyways. It will also eat of the dog-food dish if there is food in it. So keep track of who ate what so they both get food.

This event takes place during the 1st fall of Chapter 2 or if you don’t trigger it will trigger any fall after that. So you have lots of chances. Best times are early morning or late afternoon.

Horse: During the summer or early fall of Chapter 1 Tak will bring you a horse. For Free! You will be able to ride your horse all over the Valley which makes it a lot easier to get from place to place faster. You Cannot sell it. And it has a feed box in the barn for when it rains or snows. But the horse likes to be kept outside in the pasture on sunny days.

Livestock: Make sure to have your livestock outside when it is sunny.. It will put them in a better mood and they will produce better quality produce. If its raining/snowing keep them inside and make sure to feed them.

Cows: Tak will give you your 1st cow during the story. it’s a normal cow and will give milk till the end of chapter 1. If you give it a miracle potion it will give milk again after birth. Any other cows you want you must buy yourself. They will not give any milk until they have a calf. If you choose to have a cow impregnated it will cost you depending on the type of cow. Or if you have a bull cow it will cost nothing to do so.

Cow Types and prices:

Normal :

Bull: 3000 G

Cow: 4000 G

Miracle Potion: 2500 G


Bull: 4000 G

Cow: 5000 G

Miracle Potion: 3500 G


Bull: 4000 G

Cow: 5000 G

Miracle Potion: 3500 G


Bull: 6000 G

Cow: 7000 G

Miracle Potion: 5500 G

Calves: Calves and their mother need special treatment. The mother cow must be kept separate during the last few days of her pregnancy, and will be kept in the barn in an isolation fence. You must make sure to feed her everyday because she will not be able go outside.

Once the calf is born, it will be kept in a calf hutch that the Harvest Sprites set up for you next to the water trough. The mother cow will give a special milk called Mothers milk , for a few days after she gives birth, give the calf the mothers milk twice a day. The mother cow will stop giving Mothers milk after a few days, so instead give the calf regular milk. After a few more days, the calf will stop taking the milk and will only eat fodder. Feed it everyday and soon the calf will leave the hutch and graze with the other animals.

Milking: In AWL the milking system is different. Cows will only give milk for 4 season after they have given birth. After that they stop and must be impregnated again to give more milk. Each type of cow gives its own special kind of milk and sells for a different price. You can milk the cows by hand, with the milker or purchase the milking room and the cows will milk themselves and you collect the milk afterwards. You can also convert milk into cheese and butter with the food processing room that you can also purchase.

Milk Prices:

Normal: Grade B: 75G Grade A:115G Grade S: 150 G

Brown: Grade B: 115G Grade A:175G Grade S: 225G

Marble: Grade B: 115G Grade A:175G Grade S: 225G

Star: Grade B: 270G Grade A:405G Grade S: 540G

Cheese and Butter: The prices with cheese and butter depend all on the type of milk and the quality.

Cheese Prices: Normal Grade B: 225g Grade A: 225g Grade S: 300g Brown Grade B: 225g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g Marble Grade B: 225g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g Star Grade B: 300g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g Butter Prices: Normal Grade B: 225g Grade A: 225g Grade S: 300g Brown Grade B: 225g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g Marble Grade B: 225g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g Star Grade B: 300g Grade A: 300g Grade S: 300g This is what you will get using different types of milk and qualities Normal Grade B: Regular Grade A: Regular Grade S: Good Brown Grade B: Regular Grade A: Good Grade S: Good Marble Grade B: Regular Grade A: Good Grade S: Good Star Grade B: Good Grade A: Good Grade S: Good

Chickens: Chickens live inside the chicken coop once you buy them. The cost 900G each for both hens and roosters. Once you got a hen and a rooster you can get fertilized eggs. You can incubate these in the box in the top left corner of the coop. It takes a few days to hatch so you must be patient. To feed the chickens you must order chicken feed from town for a good price. Each bag fills the square in the coop and lasts several days before you need to re-fill it again.


Regular: 40G

Fertilized: 50G

Gold: 300G *If you take really good care of your chicken it will lay a golden egg from time to time.

Ducks: To get ducks you must have Tak build you the pond for 2000G before chapter 2. And have less then 6 chickens in your coop. One day during summer your wife will wake up before you and then wake you up exclaiming that there are ducks in your pond. You can choose to keep them or not. The ducks do lay eggs but the chickens sit on them and if you incubate an egg after that there are chances you will get a baby duck instead of a chick.

Sheep: Sheep cost 1500G and will be able to be sheared once a season.. Depending on how much your sheep likes you your wool will be better quality. Ranging from 75G for Regular wool and up to 600G for Gold Wool.

Goat: In the spring of Chapter 2 Van will have goats for sale for 4000G. If you buy the goat it will live in the barn with the other animals and give off milk for about one year. Regular milk gets 120G while good goats milk gets 300G. After the goat stops giving milk it is worthless really and cannot be sold. The only way to get rid of it is killing it off or waiting till it dies of old age.