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Muffy is the bar Maid at the Blue Bar. She loves to flirt and thins a man who works hard is sexy. That’s good news for you. Although she doesn’t know anything about farming she is a very nice choice.

She likes flowers and loves Moonlight Crystals from the dog site.

Diary is located in the Plant in the top left corner of the bar.

1 heart in Diary:

Go into your house and exit right away, sometime in the late afternoon. [I triggered it around 4pm] Takakura will come up and talk to you, saying that he has something to tell you about shipping. Just as he's about to talk, you hear your dog bark, and Muffy screaming! The dog has her backed up against the barn, so you run up to her and shoo the dog off. You and Muffy talk for a moment, then Muffy sees Takakura over by your house. He wordlessly walks away. Muffy then gets a worried look and apologizes for making him mad. Tell her that he is not really angry (option 1) and she'll cheer up right away. Then ask her if she's okay (option 1) and she'll say that she's fine and likes animals. Then Muffy will leave and asks if its ok to come back and look around.

2 hearts in Diary:

Enter the bar in the evening, and Muffy will come out before you can go inside. She is angry at herself for breaking a dish. Listen to her story (Option 1) and you'll raise your friendship with her. She'll thank you for hearing her out and then asks that you enter the bar together.

3 to 4 hearts in Diary:

Exit your house in the afternoon and you will find Muffy walking around on the road. She has just come back from her friends wedding in the city. Her old friends who attended the wedding thought it was funny how Muffy is working as a barmaid. And she's a little bit upset about that. She'll ask you where you think she belongs. Tell her that she belongs in Forget-Me-Not Valley (option 2) and she'll be happy.

4 hearts in Diary:

Go to bed between 6 and 8 PM. Muffy will come to your house, asking if she can stay for a little while because she thinks someone is stalking her. Tell her she can stay (option 1.) Soon, someone else will come and knock on your door, and it turns out that the person who was "stalking" her was really just Griffin! Relieved, Muffy will return to the bar.

4 hearts in Diary [Proposal]:

Show the Blue Feather to Muffy. Tell her that you're giving it to her (option 1.) You'll be transported to the back room of the bar, where Muffy will tell you how happy she is and then push you out of the room. Once you're gone, she will take the feather out of her pocket, look at it, and then sigh happily, glad to see that someone does love her enough to want to marry her