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Vesta is trying to set up Celia in an arranged marriage. Celia is down to earth and very compassionate. Many time she says how she likes to be around plants. She used to live in the city but came to Forget valley to get better in the fresh air. Give her Flowers and milk to win her heart.

Diary is located on Celia’s bed in the upstairs of the house.

1 Heart in Diary:

Go inside Vesta’s house then leave when Celia is outside The event will trigger and you'll see Celia working in the field, and then you walk over to her. She'll tell you how much she likes working at the farm, and then ask you if work on the farm bothers you. Tell her it doesn't (option 2) and Celia will say that's good. She'll turn around and look at the field and say that she loves working with plants because she thinks they give her extra strength. She'll laugh and ask you if you think she sounds like a little kid when she says that. You'll automatically shake your head no.

2-3 hearts in Diary:

Leave your house around noon, and you'll see Celia on the forest path that leads to the spring. She's standing on the path, looking at your farm, she says something to herself and then she will continue to walk up the path to the spring, and you will automatically follow her. At the spring, Celia will be surprised to see that you followed her up there. She'll tell you that she loves coming here because she finds it relaxing. Then she will tell you to be silent, and you'll get the option to move or not. Don't move (option 1.) She then say show it seems like everything in nature is relaxing right now. Agree with her (option 1)

4 hearts in Diary:

Go to Vesta‘s farm and enter her house when Celia is inside. She will come out before you knock. She will ask you to go to the spring with her, say you will [not sure which option] At the spring, Celia will say how pretty everything is... but she's not happy. Offer to listen to her if she's troubled about something (option 1.) She will tell you that Vesta's decided that she should go ahead with the marriage her parents arranged. Celia's been putting off meeting the guy for a while, but will now have to meet him and decide what to do. Celia doesn't want to go through it but she's afraid to tell Vesta that.

You can either tell her that this is just a test (option 1) or that she should break it off (option 2.) No matter what you say, Celia won't feel much better about it...

4 hearts in Diary [Proposal scene]:

Offer the Blue Feather to Celia, and tell her that you want her to have it (option 1.) You will be transported to the spring, where Celia will tell you how happy she is and that she never dreamed she would be proposed to in this way!