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Harvest Moon GBC Review

Harvest Moon GBC: This game rocked my world on a handheld gaming system as my brother so honorably handed me the game cartridge after I asked him about it! Like previous Harvest Moon's this game is about farming and ranching and befriending the towns people. The gameplay of this game really only lasts one Gameplay year. During that time you must Build your farm by growing crops and raising animals, after that one year is up you grandfather who is still in spirit form will check up on the farm to see if you have met his requirements if you have done so the you get to keep playing! If you haven't well he drops you the hint that you failed at life and you suck... Just kidding! But really if you haven't met his requirements he'll drop an gameover message in the middle of your screen. Overall I give this game a 7 of 10 due to the short amount of gameplay in the game.


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