Owen    25 Mar 2011 : 21:55
 None    Misc

Here are the poll results for Feburary to March:

Here are the poll results for Feburary to March:

The poll question was: What is the highest year you have got to in any Harvest Moon game?
The results: Out of a total of 118 votes,

1st place: Year 10+ Votes: 31 | 26.27%

2nd Place: Year 2 Votes: 18 | 15.25%

3rd Place: Year 3 Votes: 15 | 12.71%

Our next poll will run from tonight [March 25th] to april 25th. The poll question is: Whats your favorite season in general for any Harvest Moon game?

Be sure to Vote!!!

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This news item is from Harvest Moon Paradise