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Site Update Finally
We are alive.
We are alive. Sorry for the long wait. Owen's computer died and that has effected our ability to get a lot of things done.

I encourage you all that if you need to comment or have a question on something and you don't see one of us answer please message the HMP Facebook there is a link on the left side. I get messages right away on there.

Here is the long standing poll's result.

What do you do on HM when your bored?

active from Tuesday 11 September 2012 - 02:04:38 to Sunday 12 January 2014 - 01:48:27.
votes: 2499

Weed my Field 7.24% [Votes: 181]
Chop Wood/Smash Stones 7.32% [Votes: 183]
Fish 21.77% [Votes: 544]
Forage for Items 11.88% [Votes: 297]
Mine 14.05% [Votes: 351]
Talk to the Villagers 27.65% [Votes: 691]
Other 10% [Votes: 250]

Close one even though it ran a long time, but it looks like Talk to the villagers wins with a little over 27% for some reason actual farming was not a choice and people don't like to weed either.

New poll is up the gaming world has had a lot of new console/system releases in the last year. Our new poll is asking which one of them do you like the best? Also feel free to comment on that poll and say why or comment and say which ones you have purchased/played/want to buy etc.

Also please if there is a spammer Facebook message us and we will get it taken care of.

As far as site updates hopefully soon, but Owen's computer being broke has definitely delayed that.

Also you might see some features on the site not working for a few days this is because the host upgraded the PHP version and I need to update a few things first to be fully functional.

Posted by Anthony on Sunday 12 January 2014 - 01:53:46 | Comments (3)  |  printer friendly