This section tells you about which each marryable girl likes, her locations, and how to raise her heart affection points. If you want to know about how to use the blue feather, how to have baby or anything about wives or marriage visit the marriage section.
You have to do these things no matter what:
1. Talk to her until she says the same thing.
2. Give her a birthday present
3. Give her gifts every day
4. Never say no
Every Girl will have the following:
Hearts There are different heart levels for the girls. In each girls section you will see exactly what they like, but as you give them gifts their heart will increase slowly over time White- No interest Blue- Friend Green- Some interest Yellow- Crush Pink- In Love With You Once you get her to a pink heart you can propose to her if she says yes then you will get married.
Sprain Ankle Event Each girl will sprain her ankle this happens at a yellow heart. You can view more on where each individual girl sprains it in their sections below
I like you event If a girl is at a pink heart and it has been 2 or 3 seasons and you still have not given them a blue feather you will get an I like you event. This is when the girl is confessing her love to you.
Locations: Ann- Green Ranch after 6pm
Elli- Bakery random times
Karen- Beach after 6pm Maria-
Library random times
Popuri- Early Morning behind carpenters house near tree.
If you want to view video of these look below:
Click on the girl to find out more about them: